Sunday, November 24, 2013


Living in the kingdom economy on the promises of YHWH means we have enough.  This promise is stated in Hebrew Scripture as well as New Testament references.  In the kingdom economy, though, Y'hshuwah demonstrated with YHWH's blessing there is enough to share.

I would urge everyone through this season of religious debate and faithful observance to take just a moment or two, to look through your pantry, cupboards, and closets and see if there isn't something you can share.  Most of us have at least one article of clothing that is really in pretty good condition, because we never wear it.  Donate it!  There is probably some can of something that we'd not eat by choice, but if hard times came . . . The best way to not have to worry about hard times is by obedience to YHWH.

I know groceries are expensive, but there will be some traditional sales this week.  This week, on some items, they are practically two for the price of one.  Go ahead, splurge the extra few pennies and drop that second item in the food pantry basket.  Scripture is full of promises of provision, to the people of YHWH. Pocket change for one, may truly make the difference for another.

Although I don't participate in the politically correct holidays of our society, feeding the poor and clothing the naked is always Scripturally correct.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Presumption Cleaned Up

To be honest, even in the transition of realizing the currency and provision of the Kingdom of YHWH has no dependence upon American cash, I am still stumbling as I'm learning.  I had no idea how to fully apply the Torah teaching of giving "first fruits" to YHWH.  So, like most Americans, I wandered around in my ignorance, with the first check after payday being made out to the religious institution or ministry I was supporting.

Then came the agricultural reality of first fruits, and I got some of it figured out, but I'm still learning.  I have made a point of either providing the meat for a feast from the first of the flock, or if there is a financial need, selling a kid to provide for that, and then there is the fun of giving the first of the herd or womb to other TO believers starting their homesteads.  I've also given firstlings as a gift . . . with my latest book.

As for first fruits from the garden and orchard, my grandchildren and I have had such great special dinners in honor of YHWH's blessings and special prayers for said occasion.  Such a precious awareness this has become.  Of course, sharing the produce is great fun as well as gifting some of the canned goods, as well.  That has seemed a natural learning, if I can phrase it that way.  First fruits seems easy enough as applied to garden produce and Torah is very clear as to which livestock belongs to YHWH, even with Messiah as our sacrifice, so it was actually just a matter of finding recipients.

The latest revelation has come about 18 months after my presumptive offering.  I began a soap business in late 2011.  Immediately, when a sale was made, it went to a ministry toward a need.  I didn't even give it a second thought.  It's what is done!  Then I started another business, and the same thing took place.  I never even questioned or doubted my move, until . . . the government shut down, and even after applying the principle, it still took another month to understand it!

The first fruits of my business is not the money from the first sale!  And since I did it wrong, I'll take this moment to brag as well . . . It wasn't just a tenth of the first sale, it was the entire ticket of the first sale donated, but that wasn't the first fruits of my business.  The first fruits of my business was literally, the product itself!

Until this recent government shutdown, I hadn't realized how many people struggle to have "necessities" that are not covered in assistance.  People who are struggling to make ends meet, are so grateful for soap!  People who are struggling with pain or skin issues are often financially stressed or even socially embarrassed to ask, but are so thrilled to have natural remedies!  The synagogue doesn't need my soap, and the church facility doesn't need my products, but I do know the Food Pantries and the Street Ministries know where the need is and are able to distribute accordingly.

Once the light came on, it seemed so simple.  Of course . . . first fruits of the talents He's given us, is a tangible return and increase on the product of that talent!


Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Different Currency

Considering the fact that the American economy has absolutely no foundation, whatsoever, and our currency has no standard, perhaps it's time to seriously reconsider the meaning of "prosperity!"   Please understand, I'm not putting down our economic system, that's already been done.  We can't just blame the politicians, or the bankers, or even the greedy preachers.  Well, I guess we can, but that doesn't solve the problem or change anything!

We do need to continue to participate, as far as taxes etc. I believe, so I'm not suggesting a barter system that eliminates sales tax, I'm suggesting the idea that "currency" is simply used to exchange products or service.  It's the product or service that is the value and they need to be held in some sort of ratio standard.  The money and the tax is just the "equal sign of the equation" so to speak.  We need to assess the value of what our product or service is, compared to the things we cannot make or do for ourselves.

For instance, I don't have my own hay field, but the man who does, happens to have a wife and kids who like the soap I make.  He and I both still participate with currency, but the value of what we provide has it's own exchange rate.  It also works for donations as well.  Our local food pantry cannot accept home canned foods and fresh produce is impractical, but my soap is a welcome donation for two reasons.  One, it has an unlimited shelf life and two, it is an item that cannot be obtained with SNAP or WIC, so it's truly needed.

To this day, I'm sure I give away more books than I sell, but the words I was given to write were just that: given.  All I need to do is have a price for the book sellers to carry them, which of course raises awareness of the content.  Booksellers, sell books!  Authors can give them away . . .

Can you imagine if religious organizations actually operated as they did in the book of Acts?  If the congregation was large enough that the rabbi or pastor was needed every day, the congregation could actually practically and literally meet the needs of their "earthly leader" by providing housing, lodging, food, etc.  Years before the prosperity teaching, housing was actually provided, often, on the same property as the house of worship.

The economy of the Heaven's Kingdom doesn't have a debt ceiling and gold is merely pavement.  We have all been given at least one talent in which we can actually make a living and share in the abundance.  We are promised prosperity and abundance, but our Heavenly Father doesn't give His children things of no value.  His blessings are never without value, and He knows the American currency has no value.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Necessary Evil?

We've all heard money referred to as a "necessary evil!"  Nobody ever admits to loving it, yet Scripture clearly says it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.  It doesn't say eating the forbidden fruit, or telling your husband to sleep with your slave girl; It says the "love of money!"  With that fact established, the next point to ponder is the concept of a necessary evil.  Is evil ever necessary?

The reason I ask this question, is the desensitization that can come from equating evil or pain with being necessary.  I remember when "medicine had to taste bad to be good."  And now nobody likes Obamacare . . . I don't know of a child who hasn't attempted to hide under office furniture to avoid a vaccination.  Now look at the reports!  The continual programming and desensitizing has resulted in many negative returns and damage that cannot be undone.

YHWH has created within each of us a way to make a life, make a living, and the ability to negotiate trades.  It is the steadfast prayer of this author that those of the kingdom would step on in to the kingdom economy.  Just like the coming cashless society, the kingdom economy doesn't run on money, HOWEVER; unlike the coming cashless society, the currency of heaven's kingdom is time and talents.

Since buying and selling is referenced for the mark, will the term "it's a necesary evil" be used to justify and rationalize?
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Rev. 13:16,17