The winds of change are coming in my life and as a believer and citizen of the kingdom of YHWH, the winds of change are nothing to take lightly. I am talking the leading of the Great Spirit of YHWH. In Hebrew, wind, spirit, and breath; are sometimes used interchangeably. Now that I'm writing this, if every time we are expecting the "winds of change," we'd truly stop and seek our King, we may miss fewer opportunities and certainly would waste much less time.
I've been thinking a lot since my birthday, realizing a big change was coming, I am the same age my Daddy was when he retired. He retired at 55 with a stellar career and is still called back for emergencies in an advisory capacity. Even though he retired young, he's still nowhere close to a rocking chair. Now past 70, men half his age would be hard pressed to keep up with him. He made wise investments and bought land along the way. I really think although he had a wonderful career with good earnings, he also saw 55 as the beginning of a new career, at least a different set of goals, with goals still be essential in his life.
We used to read and hear about so many men that died right after they retired. It's as if their life stopped at retirement. I don't plan to retire at all, but then I didn't begin serving YHWH til my mid 30's, and homesteading in my mid 40's, a business in my mid 50's and now this new expanded opportunity coming . . . it makes sense with such a late start, standard retirement isn't even an option . . . My entire adult life has been spent working hard, but I wasn't working for the Kingdom of YHWH until nearly 20 years ago. Serving HIM is such a privileged blessing, it doesn't seem like work at all. To even think about retiring would be quitting life.
There is, created in each of us, the need to be vital and productive for life. I realize some folks can live many years without contributing much, but for the most part, I believe we were created to live, produce, and contribute our entire life. We need a purpose and plan, beyond a paycheck. A paycheck isn't a reason to live, it's only a means to pay for the living we do and the lifestyle we choose. As I begin to listen and take the necessary steps toward this next project, I'm also keeping track of my living expenses. I've always been amazed at how full my life is, with so little funding required.
So at 55, I'm looking "cautiously" toward where I'm headed. You may think that sounds like a lack of faith. I'm not worried about YHWH's plan. I know it's perfect. The caution is on my part to not jump ahead and not chase any rabbit trails. I'm not in my 20's anymore! I know Daddy has made good use of his time and his energy since he "retired" at 55. Having had a good example of an excellent work ethic, I'm excited to apply that heritage knowledge to the Divine Plan that is laying out before me.
Considering the fact that Moses was beginning his life's work at 80, I'm still just a kid at 55!
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