Sunday, July 7, 2013

Talents are the Currency Exchange

Although it may come across that I am wearing out the subject of time, we live in a society in which so much time is wasted, that the value of time bears repeating.  It seems time, like so many things isn't really valued until we realize how little we have left . . .

Talents of Biblical proportion, as mentioned in the building of the Tabernacle, the Temple, the Proverbs 31 woman, and Y'hshuwah's parable have been relegated, for the most part, to back burner hobbies.  I know, in my own life, when the television went out the door, most of my knitting and crocheting ceased.  Since I couldn't stand to just sit and stare at the box, I had a project going at all times.  Now that there's no box for staring purposes, I just don't pick up the yarn.  I still have the knowledge, so I guess if needed, I could whip out some socks or mittens, but for now, I hope YHWH doesn't count me to have buried it.

I have discovered many other talents that I believe are currently of greater need and they take a great deal of my time.

Talents and abilities were given to us by our Creator to use in this world, not only to be successful in life, but to bring Him glory and honor in our life.  I am absolutely not against education, but in many cases, it has become an idol that robs us of using our actual talents.  The love of money has truly replaced the good feeling of accomplishment, and sadly, we just spend more money to fill the void of buried talents.

YHWH gave us talents to get us through this world.  We can use those talents to actually establish a business or employment and we can use our talents to be less dependent on the world around us, for our provision.  With ready made socks and gloves so readily accessible at affordable prices, knitting, sewing, and crocheting may not be a much needed talent at this time, but we are told in Scripture, there is a time coming in which buying and selling won't be an option without eternal consequences.

Many of us have been afforded much grace in the time we've been given, back burner hobbies may well in fact be buried talents that YHWH has entrusted us to use in the way of life He has planned and purposed for us.

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