Tithing was one of the first changes made in my new life. It was nearly 20 years before I realized, not only do I give the first fruits to Abba, I'm responsible for the fact that He trusts me with 90% to be used at my discretion, which should be in accordance with what is pleasing to Him. In glorifying Him, paying bills comes after the tithe . . . all both of them. That's one of the blessings I've noticed about realizing "it all belongs to Him." I don't have as many expenses. My hobbies actually support me, which I think many of also overlook. What we call hobbies or interests are probably really the talents we were given to provide us a way to earn a living.
A time tithe was also imperative in my walk with Messiah. When I make time in the Word and time in prayer a genuine priority, I am aware of His presence in more of the rest of my day. I have also discovered something that I think every believer should consider. Quiet time is essential. So much noise in our daily lives actually drowns out the Voice of Abba. Whether it's time or provision, it's all in His hand. What He entrusts to us is a gift from Him. What we do with what He gives us, is our gift to Him!
A time tithe was also imperative in my walk with Messiah. When I make time in the Word and time in prayer a genuine priority, I am aware of His presence in more of the rest of my day. I have also discovered something that I think every believer should consider. Quiet time is essential. So much noise in our daily lives actually drowns out the Voice of Abba. Whether it's time or provision, it's all in His hand. What He entrusts to us is a gift from Him. What we do with what He gives us, is our gift to Him!