I'm no economics expert, but history bears a certain pattern to America ignoring the laws of Elohim, specifically when it comes to Sabbath and work. Most of this country completely disregards the command to rest on Sabbath. As a matter of fact, more money exchanges hands on Friday night and Saturday, than any other time in the week. A great deal of money is handled on Sunday morning, but it is far from an exchange or transaction. The reason I am bringing this up now, is many things in our society indicate great calamity is potentially at hand.
I believe the collapse, control and possible containment may actually come hand in hand. Here are my thoughts of practicality. I am not saying it's going to happen tomorrow, but we all know, this cannot continue at the present rate. Now that most everyone uses debit cards, resetting everyone back to zero is really only a matter of hitting a switch. I'm not suggesting bigger barns or hoarding, but the bottom line is, tissues and toilet paper could in reality be more valuable than dollar bills, very soon. It truly doesn't hurt to lay in a little supply of things we do use perpetually. Coffee drinkers, we absolutely know coffee is more valuable than money!
I shared with someone recently, that I've made a point of keeping my tithe in accessible cash on a monthly basis, and plan to pay my taxes as soon s the bill arrives this year. In dealing with banks, something became very clear, a number of years back. There is no slack or wait time in running my check through, as everything is virtually an e transaction now, but; deposits on the other hand, can take up to five days to post. So leave yourself some breathing room for working around a potential electronic glitch. This is not fearmongering, but merely a reminder as to how lopsided the economy is already functioning. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing we'll make it through the first Tuesday in November.
On a positive note, handling transactions in cash or having a few extra supplies on hand is also a great plan for the upcoming winter. It doesn't hurt to have a few extra cans of soup on hand or supplies that you know you'll use. Take an inventory of your pantry and cupboards. See what would be more valuable than money, just in case the powers that be hit the reset button. If we don't need the extras in the pantry, I'm sure we all know someone who could use a little help.
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