Monday, November 24, 2014

In Everything

These past few weeks, it seems every time I'm praying, several thoughts bombard my awareness.  Some of them are distractions, but others are things Abba wants to talk about.  Remembering the first time He brought up a subject, brings a smile to my face.  I'd been walking in covenant for about five years, when one morning through prayer, I told Him I wanted to talk about what He wanted to talk about.  That particular morning, I was on my knees in prayer when a particular situation came to mind, and it involved money.  Immediately I asked forgiveness that my mind had wandered, and to all things . . . "money!"  I began, once again, to give thanks, when my mind again wandered to that same scenario that involved "money."

When I asked for forgiveness again, His voice was clear and firm.  He simply said, "You said you wanted to talk about what I want to talk about!"  With that, a new realization entered my awareness.  Beyond tithing and good stewardship, our Heavenly Father truly does want to guide our steps financially.  With our society having moved away from an agricultural base, we don't think so much about the other 90% of our income when it's cash.  In an agrarian society, there are constant reminders that Adonai controls it all.  Every bit of the provision is in His hands.

The soil is nourished by proper use according to His Instruction.  The seeds sprout by the life He has created within them.  The shoots reach for the sun, as the roots long for the rain.  As the plants grow to yield produce, that also is in the hand of our Creator.  The same principles apply to flocks and herds.  When living agriculturally, it is so much easier to see the hand of our Creator in every step.

Since most of our socio-economic base consists of nothing more than the perpetual motion of currency for service and products, we often don't consider Abba in every dollar that passes through our hands.  That morning, over 15 years ago, He was preparing me to receive some money.  Without His preparation in that matter I probably would not have handled the situation properly, or maybe I would, but I learned something so much bigger.  From that morning on, and this was through the 90s round of "prosperity teaching," I viewed money and material things from a completely different perspective.  This also began the preparation for my heart to return to the garden, an agrarian lifestyle.  It would be less than three months later, He would then lay the foundation for this work to which He has called me.

That single statement through morning prayer, telling Abba, I wanted to talk about what He wanted to talk about, took our relationship to a level I didn't even know existed.  He does want to talk with His people about so many things.  His plans truly are more than we can ask or imagine.

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