Sunday, June 16, 2013

Counting the Cost

As stated in previous articles, Kingdom Economy is time based, rather than monetary, and with a time base comes the need to evaluate effort, energy, and accomplishment.  Debating, discussing, and arguing matters of spiritual importance must truly be assessed.  What is the cost in time and is it worth it?  What did Y'hshuwah do?  I realize there are more "internet teachers" than we can even count now, so if all parties involved are "teaching," who are the students?  Are those with genuine questions getting lost and misled in the debates?  Sometimes I have to wonder.

So often we do spend our time in ways that really render no visible accomplishment and assess that to spiritual seed planting . . . Sometimes that's true, but sometimes that's a religious euphemism.

The one thing I have noticed in all the heated debates, is what follows.  The division and the discussion about the debate takes precedence over the actual topic, then the decision as to who was right and who was wrong and why, becomes the next topic.    *See image above . . .

To be honest, I am not drawn to conflict.  I do believe I am not to cower, but I don't feel led to force my views upon those who are not asking questions.  I base that idea on Scripture, as well.  I Peter 3:15 says I'm supposed to be ready to give an answer for reason for the hope to anyone who asks, but if they are already sure of their own answers, they aren't asking about my hope.  Have you ever been in a discussion that finally ended and all you could think was, "I want my time back?"  Have you ever found it a relief to have someone give you the silent treatment?  I know I have.

I have reassessed this discussion topic for my own life and the reality is simple.  Time is valuable.  Valuable to all parties in the discussion, but if the discussion is a dead end debate or argument, there is the time of others to consider.  What about the person listening or in the case of internet media, reading this debate?  Have the participants resolved their questions or raised confusion?  What about someone who was intimidated to get in the middle of the "all knowing" discussion?  What about YHWH's plan of edification of the body?  What about "the same Spirit but different administrations?"  What about the passage in James that says "be doers, not hearers only."

We are told the Kingdom of G-d is not in word, but in power.  Maybe the cost of endless debate in the last of days, is getting too costly.  Perhaps it would be more efficient and cost effective for some practical app of the Beatitudes.

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