All of this talk of being debt free and now I say, it's not about ownership . . . Ownership is just the "side-effect" of being debt free. I do, on paper, own my home and the land it's sitting on, but in reality, this country is mortgaged so far in debt, that if the lien holder called in the note, I have no idea what would happen. I've actually heard non-followers of Moshiach use this reasoning to not bother to get out of debt, as they would have nothing to lose in the event of economic collapse. For now, I don't worry about what might happen, I live according to Torah and the Native perspective of land, which are one in the same. Land is not of value for sheer ownership, but rather for what it will produce. So, I stay productive on the land.
Ownership does require maintenance and accountability. If I rented, I could call the landlord to fix something, but he'd be expecting a check on the first, even if there was nothing to fix! The tax man likes to hear from my annually, but if I payed a mortgage, it would be figured in and held in an account, and if I paid rent, the landlord's taxes would be included in my rent. As long as I live in this world, specifically this country, even though my citizenship is of the Kingdom of Heaven, I will be paying taxes in this life, one way or another. Messiah was born in Bethlehem because his parents were "out of town" to pay taxes, and the coin in the fish's mouth, to pay taxes!
Possession without payments isn't about acquiring and amassing, but to be debt free from the bondage of a payment plan and interest. By choosing to own my home, I have shelter and can share shelter without having to meet a monthly payment or rent. I don't live in a fancy house, but I'm warm in the winter and dry when it rains [if I stay indoors.] By having no rent or mortgage, I don't have that financial obligation to meet on a regular basis. Being debt free, frees me up to be able to financially help those who are just getting started or in the case of some, having to start over and rebuild.
In conducting my affairs according to the guidelines of the Kingdom of my citizenship, tithing is sort of like taxes to the kingdom, but it's a much smaller percentage than what earthly governments demand! Only by living by YHWH's economic plan, can I live so well in this crazy economy.
Ownership is not about proof of being blessed. Ownership in our society just means "bought and paid for" and debt free is a definite blessing!
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