Sunday, August 18, 2013

Simply Abundant

This book I wrote four years ago, has had a sort of resurgence as of late.  I don't know if more folks are embracing the idea of simplifying or just rejecting complicated "solutions."  At any rate, Simply Abundant, is making a second round of readers.  As the book explains, although I was outside of mainstream, I didn't invest thousands of dollars to go off the grid.  I simply began moving in that direction, with incremental goals.

Simply abundant covers everything from simple ideas of celebrating Sabbath to ideas for stretching a dollar to healthier food and less stress.  People have told me, "Everyone can't do that!"  That's what Pharaoh told Moses, too, but as it turned out, Pharaoh was wrong.

 Although Simply Abundant is a pretty much upbeat modern version of pioneering, it emphasizes the importance of enjoying simplicity, rather than complicating efficiency.

Our society has placed great importance on material possessions as a sign of personal value, and that's simply wrong.  We've relegated G-d given talents to the back burner and called them hobbies, when in fact, our Creator placed those in us to be able to earn a living and enjoy the life He gives us.  He gave Instructions for health, family, and a relationship with Him.  Simply Abundant shares the joy of basics.  It is possible to live without planning to be in debt til we die.  It is possible to live quite comfortably on what most folks spend on entertainment, because when you're enjoying the life YHWH planned, there is little stress, or need for distraction.

There is always something to do and plans to enjoy.  Beginning at midnight Monday night through midnight Wednesday, this book will be offered for lending through kindle, I think . . . if I did it right!

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