I don't like to teach against what I don't believe. I prefer to share what I do believe, but Scripture tells us the love of money is the root of all evil and it's been woven through our culture and beliefs in a very serpentine manner. I want to take the time to dispel a few presumptions. The Bible is very clear regarding YHWH's definition of sin, He loves us so much He actually had Moses write out Instructions, the DOs and the DON'Ts, but Timothy was warned that the foundation for temptation was the "love of money." So, rather than call it what it is, idolatry; many of the prosperity faith have taught us to call idolatry blessings!
I used to think the prosperity teaching was so ridiculous, it wouldn't survive through the American economic recession, but it's alive and well and it's spawned other "another gospel" that Paul warned against. Here are just a few more heretical teachings. Now, not only does G-d want us to be rich, He also wants us to not feel so guilty about our sin . . . He wants us to have a "user-friendly Bible" that doesn't discourage our current decisions. He wants us to have a good positive attitude, and in our move away from pagan customs, He's good with us just redefining and making it up as we go along! Some folks believe His definition of abomination has "evolved."
But He still wants us to buy the books of the original Prosperity Promoters. In all of this religious transition, the one teaching that remains consistent and the one law that isn't legalism, is tithing . . . keep those finances coming in.Those mansions and private jets don't pay for themselves, you know! Tax exemption just allows one to keep what comes in, it doesn't actually generate an income!
I'm not speaking against money. I pay bills, and I have no tax exemption. My electricity and internet do come at a financial cost. Even going off the grid has an upfront investment cost. Life on this earth is not free or shouldn't be, but when we live by the Kingdom Economy, we learn the difference between need and greed, and we develop a new appreciation that less is often more. It's a blessing to not have any larger house to clean. It's a blessing to downsize, but I still have more than I need at this time. It's a blessing to have what I consider nice clothes, but a warm coat in winter is more important. Wealth by the standards of YHWH is not what's being taught in mainstream American religion or politics.
The prosperity teaching is just the modern way to say, "love of money," mammon, two masters, and "covet." Not to mention, idolatry, in exalting money and possessions above our Creator and calling it blessed.
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