We know for certain, the kingdom of heaven does not run on American currency. Clearly our Creator gave us talents to make a living and a life in this world. Time is what is measured for the glory of YHWH. How we "spend" our time is reflective of our priorities and gratitude to Him. It has come to my attention, however; we all receive an "allowance" so to speak, when the windows of heaven open . . .
I remember back in the days of prosperity teaching, Malachi 3:10 was quoted frequently. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine
house, and prove me now herewith, says YHWH of hosts, if I will not open
you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be
room enough to receive it.
I always thought it was funny that in the mainstream popular teaching, the only law that didn't get "nailed to the cross" had to do with tithing, but I digress . . .
Malachi 3:10 definitely addresses giving unto our Creator, but I'd like to share some insight I've discovered in His promise. Did you know there is another passage in Scripture that refers to "open the windows of heaven" with the same words in Hebrew? Genesis 7:11 contains those same Hebrew words. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth
day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken
up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Rain appears to be how our Heavenly Father pours His blessing. Now that I've seen this, it makes sense, and I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner! Rain is what causes the land to produce grass for the animals that will be meat and rain is what causes the crops to grow. Rain provides the water we drink, the water the animals drink, and the fish live in, not to mention supported many a sea fairing journeys.
What rain "causes" doesn't necessarily provide all the things we define to be blessings, but the reality is, food and water are referenced continuously as blessings. Flocks, herds, and harvests are the blessings of being the people of YHWH. They always have been. In Scripture, it was the people with flocks and herds and harvests that were wealthy and the merchants depended upon the shepherds and farmers to need their wares, rather than the other way around.
Throughout Scripture, when Israel was blessed, the crops yielded huge returns and the herds and flocks increased. That is the standard of abundance! The dustbowl that preceded the Great Depression bears witness as to what happens when the windows of heaven do not open to pour out a blessing.
Money started out as a representation of real world items. When you made an exchange, it was backed by a tangible asset, like crops, flocks, etc... It is only been in the last century that man has divorced the money system from some commodity that it represented. This has allowed the greedy to manipulate money for their own benefit without having to put in the efforts to maintain a level of commodity. We will soon be reminded that we have left the farm.