Have you considered what you'll do when buying and/or selling requires the mark of the beast? I've given some thought to this of late. Of course, we are told earlier in the book of the Revelation that the people of YHWH will be given a mark, supernaturally.
* A word of caution here, even if it's presented under "religious" auspice, do not take a mark from any human, organization, or agency!
We also are told in the Revelation not everyone will survive not going with the "earthly plan" of that time, but in the meantime what will we do? I'm raising a garden and livestock, as well as running a business, but when the time comes for a mark, I will no longer be able to sell. Then what? Here are a few thoughts I've had on this question. I think barter will be a great idea amongst believers. I'm hoping my product will serve as a tool of trade and I'm hoping others will want to trade their skills and products as well.
I'll be honest here, I've been a bit concerned about the coffee situation, once the mark is required for buying or selling. I have learned that roasted acorns ground are a pretty nice substitute for coffee. So far, the acorn crop around here is pretty amazing. Oh, I'm still buying coffee for now, but when that time comes . . .
I'm also getting very serious about chickens this next spring. If I'm going to be obedient to Messiah's words even through that time of tribulation if it takes place through my lifetime, I need to be able to feed people without buying food. I think the realization that we talk about our spiritual stoicism through the end of days, but we often overlook the practical living side of what we'll do. I've realized in the last few trips to town, I just don't buy much anymore. I don't have as many stops to make and even when a dollar doesn't go far, I'm just not spending as much. What I'm realizing, is my lifestyle is being affected less by the economy dictated in Washington, but I've still got a ways to go to "be ready . . ."
We all talk like the tribulation is just about upon us and we are sure we won't take the mark of the beast, but what are we doing to prepare to be witnesses unto Y'hshuwah when we have been called to feed the hungry but cannot purchase what we need to share? We sometimes seem to forget, at least I think I do, that there were coins and currency in Bible days, and taxes, but Messiah was not dependent upon that system and there is no record that manna fell around Him.
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