In the past few months, several people have struggled with business decisions and job circumstances that are disconcerting and even disheartening. While we are being told the economy is strengthening, most of us realize, it's not strengthening for average America, in the practical sense. The cost of groceries, utilities, and gasoline truly leave little for the "extras" we used to enjoy on a fairly regular basis. I don't have a mortgage or pay rent. I don't have a car payment, and I raise most of my own food, and except for the high cost of my foundation garments, I don't spend a great deal on wardrobe. I simply cannot imagine how the average family is surviving in today's economy.
The people who claim to believe how much economic improvement has been brought to America through the present administration are the same ones campaigning to nearly double the minimum wage. Apparently, they don't realize their mass economic confusion. When the majority of the work force is not earning a living wage, it's ludicrous to claim economic recovery. Before I sound like Debbie Downer, let me get on to my actual point.
It truly seems this economic frustration may be the opportunity to launch into an entire new lifestyle. We have been programmed to believe we have to stay on the hamster wheel for our provision. We've been brainwashed into believing that our existence and comfort is dependent upon our income. I'm not suggesting irresponsibility here at all, but rather just stepping out of the mainstream mindset and taking a look from a different perspective. What did Messiah say was important? What did he say we weren't to worry about? I'm not sure any of us truly believe His words to the fullness of the power He promised, myself included; but I received a couple of tests in the past few months that seem to indicate our spiritual well-being is coming into question in the current economic status of this so called recovery.
It seems nearly everyone wants to do business on Saturday. I tell everyone who is calls for products, whether it's soap or eggs, purchases are available from Sunday morning to Friday evening. Invariably, afterward, someone tells me they'll be here Friday, then I get a call or e-mail that evening saying . . . blah, blah, blah, got busy, got side tracked, and I'll be there tomorrow! I've actually lost some sales this year, notable, sizeable sales for my conviction about not doing business on Shabbat. The reality is, I could have "sold out" but it would have been a one time sale, I'm sure; and probably resulted in some sort of odd complaint. I know for a fact, the transaction would not be blessed.
On the other hand, if someone has an unexpected situation and needs a natural health product, or as in one case, milk for an abandoned critter, on Sabbath, I simply give what is needed, without monetary exchange. Never have I gone without for sharing on Shabbat, and most often, I've been blessed with a "check in the mail" later or a return customer on one of the six work days.
As the economy continues to deteriorate for the average American, the people of YHWH have a wonderful opportunity to rid ourselves of the brainwashing and the programming that says He won't meet our needs if we are obedient to His Word. Even science has offered some statistics indicating Sabbath rest improves physical health. It could be, Sabbath rest would improve our fiscal fitness as well.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Still Sorting
Many of us continue to downsize. I wish I could talk my parents into that concept . . . I am so blessed that my house does not have a basement or an attic. Closets collect enough! I know people who are so disciplined they actually have a regular schedule to sort through drawers and closets. Well, I also have a regular schedule to sort, annually! I am very disciplined in some areas of life, and others, not so much, so I simply cannot have large spaces to collect things I think I might need some day. I already have enough to share. Our possessions are part of our economic "worth" and resources, while our priorities are our economic worth in the kingdom.
I purchase in bulk for my business, and that is kept quite organized. Silver ware drawer, cooking utensils, etc. all have a place and can be found consistently in those places. I have discovered a fact about myself. If I use something regularly, or it has a specific purpose, I am very organized in it's storage. If, on the other hand, I keep something "just in case I might need it," one of two things happen. If and when I do actually need it, I can't remember where I put it; or I happen on to it the next year to determine all over again, why I'm keeping it.
I was cleaning my closet, again, for Passover, and found a number of things to donate. The thrift store and food pantry was moving, though, so I didn't see any reason to take a box for them to have to move, so I tossed these clothes into a large box, and wouldn't you know it, I've managed to toss a few more items in. I think most Americans have duplication in their lives. I saw a great way to clean a closet that I'm thinking about trying. Hang all the hangers reversed on the rod. When you wear an item and return it to the closet, hang the hanger back up the regular way. At the end of a year, donate everything that is still hanging on backward hangars.
I do try to stay within the frame work of a year. If I haven't used or worn something in all four seasons, I probably don't need it, but someone else could use it! Conviction is setting in as I write this. Looks like I've got a couple more places to sort, before that big box goes to the thrift store.
I purchase in bulk for my business, and that is kept quite organized. Silver ware drawer, cooking utensils, etc. all have a place and can be found consistently in those places. I have discovered a fact about myself. If I use something regularly, or it has a specific purpose, I am very organized in it's storage. If, on the other hand, I keep something "just in case I might need it," one of two things happen. If and when I do actually need it, I can't remember where I put it; or I happen on to it the next year to determine all over again, why I'm keeping it.
I was cleaning my closet, again, for Passover, and found a number of things to donate. The thrift store and food pantry was moving, though, so I didn't see any reason to take a box for them to have to move, so I tossed these clothes into a large box, and wouldn't you know it, I've managed to toss a few more items in. I think most Americans have duplication in their lives. I saw a great way to clean a closet that I'm thinking about trying. Hang all the hangers reversed on the rod. When you wear an item and return it to the closet, hang the hanger back up the regular way. At the end of a year, donate everything that is still hanging on backward hangars.
I do try to stay within the frame work of a year. If I haven't used or worn something in all four seasons, I probably don't need it, but someone else could use it! Conviction is setting in as I write this. Looks like I've got a couple more places to sort, before that big box goes to the thrift store.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Uncanny Similarity
In all the talk of "come out from among them and be separate" it appears we may be overlooking a very clear and obvious fact.
How many things in our society do we say are "G-d approved" or we claim to dedicate to Him, when the reality is, we are doing what is right in our own eyes? How many times do we compromise or bite our tongue to keep peace in the family? How many times do we work on Shabbat, telling ourselves it's all right or even necessary? How many areas of our life do we say we trust G-d, but add a bit of our own ingenuity, or that of others?
Please stay with me for a moment, here. These are questions I'm asking myself, because they all appear to have a significant impact on a recurring theme. Family gatherings usually revolve around man-made holidays, job security is a contradiction in terms these days, and although Sabbath appears in Scripture as the 7th day of the week consistently, our society claims it's been changed or open to interpretation . . . Then there are all the things we think we need, or expenses that are considered necessities, but are they really?
The recurring theme in all of this is our economy. Statistics now show most retailers need the Friday after Thanksgiving . . . 11 months into the year to get out of operating in the red for the year! As for job security and Sabbath observance . . . what if that is a trick of the enemy or a work of the flesh to hold us in fearful bondage and keep us from the real plan of our Heavenly Father? How much do we really need in regard to how much we think we need or already have? What if our societal programming has already lured us into the captivity of slavery?
The image for the American economy can be found in Scripture, and interestingly the celebration in which it was centered was said, by the religious leader, to be a celebration unto Adonai. The children of Israel really started this entire ordeal telling themselves they were pleasing G-d. Interestingly, the gold mentioned for this project was what they wore in their ears. I find that a fascinating connection, in that they didn't even hear what they were proposing to do . . .
The only difference I can determine between Wall Street bull and the golden calf is the golden calf was made of real gold . . . while the Wall Street bull is bronze, I believe; a much less precious metal. Similarly, this is what has happened with our currency. Fifty years ago, 1964, was the last year, our coins were minted in the metal that actually represented the value of the coin. Since that time our money has had no standard, except our "full faith" in it.
And all the people brake off the golden earrings which were in their ears, and
brought them unto Aaron. And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after
he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which
brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation,
and said, To morrow is a feast to YHWH. Exodus 32:3-5
Sunday, May 4, 2014
A Time Tithe
This week two pieces of information crossed my desk that truly caught my eye. One said something about spending two hours outdoors in nature helps reduce stress, even lower blood pressure, etc. The other information said 10 minutes of singing was very healthy and stress relieving. This information got my math wheels turning and I couldn't help but notice, that's nearly 10% of a 24 hour day.
If just being outdoors for 2 hours offers noticeable health improvement and emotional balance and ten minutes of singing is just a couple of songs, can you imagine the impact on our lives if this time and song was directed toward our Creator. Not only would we be blessed and refreshed, but what kind of Holy Spirit power would we be walking in? I know I feel better physically and emotionally when I get outdoors in the afternoon. Of course, I begin every day with morning chores, but this week is going to be different.
I used to sing or hum most of the day, but a few years back, I became very self-conscious about it. That was years ago and shame on me. I want my hum back!
I am longing for Him to increase and me to decrease, and I believe the time tithe is the answer. YHWH gives me the time I have, why not tithe on what I've been given? I'm not adding or taking away from Torah. We are to bring him first fruit offerings. The first thing I am aware of every morning when I awaken, is how I am going to spend my time. The way we spend our time really does reflect in our health and our serenity. Time spent with El Shaddai will reflect in every aspect of our life. Time for more garden concerts!
If just being outdoors for 2 hours offers noticeable health improvement and emotional balance and ten minutes of singing is just a couple of songs, can you imagine the impact on our lives if this time and song was directed toward our Creator. Not only would we be blessed and refreshed, but what kind of Holy Spirit power would we be walking in? I know I feel better physically and emotionally when I get outdoors in the afternoon. Of course, I begin every day with morning chores, but this week is going to be different.
I used to sing or hum most of the day, but a few years back, I became very self-conscious about it. That was years ago and shame on me. I want my hum back!
I am longing for Him to increase and me to decrease, and I believe the time tithe is the answer. YHWH gives me the time I have, why not tithe on what I've been given? I'm not adding or taking away from Torah. We are to bring him first fruit offerings. The first thing I am aware of every morning when I awaken, is how I am going to spend my time. The way we spend our time really does reflect in our health and our serenity. Time spent with El Shaddai will reflect in every aspect of our life. Time for more garden concerts!
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