Sunday, May 25, 2014

No Selling Out

In the past few months, several people have struggled with business decisions and job circumstances that are disconcerting and even disheartening.  While we are being told the economy is strengthening, most of us realize, it's not strengthening for average America, in the practical sense.  The cost of groceries, utilities, and gasoline truly leave little for the "extras" we used to enjoy on a fairly regular basis.  I don't have a mortgage or pay rent.  I don't have a car payment, and I raise most of my own food, and except for the high cost of my foundation garments, I don't spend a great deal on wardrobe.  I simply cannot imagine how the average family is surviving in today's economy.

The people who claim to believe how much economic improvement has been brought to America through the present administration are the same ones campaigning to nearly double the minimum wage.  Apparently, they don't realize their mass economic confusion.  When the majority of the work force is not earning a living wage, it's ludicrous to claim economic recovery.  Before I sound like Debbie Downer, let me get on to my actual point.

It truly seems this economic frustration may be the opportunity to launch into an entire new lifestyle.  We have been programmed to believe we have to stay on the hamster wheel for our provision.  We've been brainwashed into believing that our existence and comfort is dependent upon our income.  I'm not suggesting irresponsibility here at all, but rather just stepping out of the mainstream mindset and taking a look from a different perspective.  What did Messiah say was important?  What did he say we weren't to worry about?  I'm not sure any of us truly believe His words to the fullness of the power He promised, myself included; but I received a couple of tests in the past few months that seem to indicate our spiritual well-being is coming into question in the current economic status of this so called recovery.

It seems nearly everyone wants to do business on Saturday.  I tell everyone who is calls for products, whether it's soap or eggs, purchases are available from Sunday morning to Friday evening.  Invariably, afterward, someone tells me they'll be here Friday, then I get a call or e-mail that evening saying . . . blah, blah, blah, got busy, got side tracked, and I'll be there tomorrow!  I've actually lost some sales this year, notable, sizeable sales for my conviction about not doing business on Shabbat.   The reality is, I could have "sold out" but it would have been a one time sale, I'm sure; and probably resulted in some sort of odd complaint.  I know for a fact, the transaction would not be blessed.

On the other hand, if someone has an unexpected situation and needs a natural health product, or as in one case, milk for an abandoned critter, on Sabbath, I simply give what is needed, without monetary exchange.  Never have I gone without for sharing on Shabbat, and most often, I've been blessed with a "check in the mail" later or a return customer on one of the six work days.

As the economy continues to deteriorate for the average American, the people of YHWH have a wonderful opportunity to rid ourselves of the brainwashing and the programming that says He won't meet our needs if we are obedient to His Word.   Even science has offered some statistics indicating Sabbath rest improves physical health.  It could be, Sabbath rest would improve our fiscal fitness as well.

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