This week two pieces of information crossed my desk that truly caught my eye. One said something about spending two hours outdoors in nature helps reduce stress, even lower blood pressure, etc. The other information said 10 minutes of singing was very healthy and stress relieving. This information got my math wheels turning and I couldn't help but notice, that's nearly 10% of a 24 hour day.
If just being outdoors for 2 hours offers noticeable health improvement and emotional balance and ten minutes of singing is just a couple of songs, can you imagine the impact on our lives if this time and song was directed toward our Creator. Not only would we be blessed and refreshed, but what kind of Holy Spirit power would we be walking in? I know I feel better physically and emotionally when I get outdoors in the afternoon. Of course, I begin every day with morning chores, but this week is going to be different.
I used to sing or hum most of the day, but a few years back, I became very self-conscious about it. That was years ago and shame on me. I want my hum back!
I am longing for Him to increase and me to decrease, and I believe the time tithe is the answer. YHWH gives me the time I have, why not tithe on what I've been given? I'm not adding or taking away from Torah. We are to bring him first fruit offerings. The first thing I am aware of every morning when I awaken, is how I am going to spend my time. The way we spend our time really does reflect in our health and our serenity. Time spent with El Shaddai will reflect in every aspect of our life. Time for more garden concerts!
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