The last couple of weeks I've noticed a real upsurge in requests for financial assistance and spiritual advice regarding money across social media. Although I don't consider myself to be wealthy, I do know YHWH is my provider, provides well, and I'm debt free, but I am still in this world and like it or not, some things require money. I'm heading off grid to eventually pay no electric bill, but to do that requires me to purchase a battery bank, and even if I could make solar panels and wind turbines, I can't make them out of air and rocks. I do know there is a day coming in which buying and selling will not be an option without the mark, therefore; I am investing now for what I think we may need then.
I offer financial assistance in some situations and in others I offer products as a gift, but truth be told, some situations actually need financial management instruction and work ethic motivation. I do not subsidize poor money management. I can't afford to! As long as we are in this world, before Messiah returns, we have to accept the fact that life in this world is not free. Of all things the public education does not teach and parents tend to not prepare children for is budgeting. Oh, I grew up being made to have a savings account and tithe, but other than being told how much and when, I was clueless. I had to learn by trial and unfortunately error . . .
That is why I truly want to help people, not just throw money at them and certainly not judge them. Many folks have not been taught good financial planning or budgeting, and sadly today there are few examples of a good work ethic. Knowing, my entire adult life, I had to make it on my own, I really would like to help folks budget for independence and develop a strong work ethic that will carry them through their life. Yes YHWH does provide, but part of His provision is giving us talents to use to make a living. It's not about "making money" it's about using our talents to provide for our life and family. Some of that provision will involve money, but much of our life really doesn't need to. We just haven't really been taught a good way of money management and prioritizing is difficult for nearly everyone.
I realize any of us can fall on hard times and the economic condition of our country is alarming, which is all the more reason to learn a better way of money management and less dependency on our current system. I am not advising people to exchange their dollars for silver, at this time, but I wholeheartedly recommend whittling down the number of dollars you depend upon in life. We have to prioritize and the priorities are shelter and food to start with, then other things. David wrote that he'd never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging . . . Paul penned that we are to be content with what we have, where we are.
We've been programmed to believe our worth is based upon our possessions and the terms rest and entertainment have been exchanged in the connecting term "leisure." This nation has produced two generations, going on three now that are of age for the work force, but programmed to believe their leisure time should be their top priority. Scripturally, leisure time isn't even an issue and a good life provides it's own entertainment!
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