When did ministry become a money making career for so many? I realize back when our society in general was more religious, rabbis and pastors were dealing with congregants nearly every day. Although rabbis often had their own homes, many pastors lived in the parsonage. Even with rabbis living in their own homes, the Jewish community was established for all be within walking distance of the synagogue on Shabbat. Parsonage, for all practical purposes has become an archaic term.
Much of the ministry in America has become politically and economically powerful with ministers living large and rabbis being quite influential. I'm not suggesting for a moment that servants of YHWH should live like squirrels in winter, not at all, but the reality of the matter is pretty simple. If the religious organizations were actually fulfilling their true purpose, a 501c3 would be unnecessary. Taking care of widows, orphans, and veterans would probably keep most religious organizations quite busy, and certainly below any tax bracket. Actually working in our specified call would eliminate a great deal of unnecessary travel and activities that are truly "uncalled" for. A great many false prophecies and teachings would be eliminated if folks actually walked and worked in their call.
Now, does that mean a pastor should not give a call to repentance and wait for the evangelist? Absolutely not, but it does mean a pastor doesn't need to be jet setting all over the world, if he is called to shepherd a flock. Evangelists and prophets should probably be the ones doing most of the traveling, and teachers should be teaching by example first, and words second! Apostles are trailblazers and missionaries, so they are usually led to establish, then outreach in meeting the needs around them, but also to welcome and work with the other four offices of ministry.
Not that I am claiming to have all the organization or administrative answers, but the duties of the five offices are explained throughout Scripture. There's no need for so much overlap and confusion, and no need for anything to be going undone. And as for widows, orphans, and folks in need, every child of G-d is called to meet those needs when they become aware of them. I do believe it would be amazing for all five calls to be working together in ministries. I continue to pray for that, here and in other areas as well.
It's time for pastors to tend the flock and live within respectable means. It's time for teachers to realize the best lesson is a good example. It's time for prophets to sound the warnings and evangelists to tell the whole Gospel which includes Torah obedience, and it's time for folks to get results from apostles and elders without the need of hospitals. A 501c3 is completely unnecessary and ministry should not be a business!
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