The other evening, after cancelling the one card, I called my the company with my old card and the young man who answered immediately informed me what a privilege it was to be speaking with someone who had maintained an account with the company for the number of years I have. Truth be told, I've probably had this account more years than he's been alive! At any rate, as he looked my account over, it seems I qualified for a new and better perk. I listened and it did sound good, so we went through the process. I received a letter confirming all that we had discussed and explaining my new status.
In this letter was also a credit report with my FICO score. Upon reading the information, I did a Google search as to the category of my score. As it turns out, I have an excellent FICO rating, but it isn't perfect. It is, however; higher than Warren Buffet's is reported to be. And that is just the tip of the ice berg in what is wrong with America's Economy. Since my score was not perfect, a disclosure was included to inform me of the key factors that adversely affected my "excellent but less than perfect" credit score.
1. Lack of recent installment loan information translation: I'm not in debt.
2. Too few accounts again: I'm not in debt
3. No recent revolving balances " "
But wait, there's more. Based upon my recent information in the account upgrade, I now have a credit limit that is nearly twice my annual income. Now that I've officially seen this in writing, there is no doubt the economy is not improving. My credit line is not based upon my ability to repay what I borrow.
In a nutshell, having no debt is the official adverse factor in my credit rating, but I now qualify for a line of credit that would enable me to spend twice as much as my annual income. This is to further "encourage" our consumer driven economy. A quick search of consumer driven economy reveals that our spending is actually considered a part of the gross domestic product! This is the epitome of "digging one's way out of a hole."
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