Sunday, June 23, 2013

Time is What I've Been Given

Kingdom Economy addresses time, regularly, because as I've read and written before, I truly do believe time is the currency of the Kingdom of Heaven.  I'm quite certain the currency isn't dollars or Euros, and since the street is gold, even precious metals are only pavement.  Time is what differentiates the spiritual realm from our earthly habitation and those who are citizens of the kingdom now have everlasting life.

We ran an article, here at the Goshen Gazette, a few weeks ago that has had me thinking ever since.  The article was entitled: "The Markings of a Servant's Heart."  That article has really stayed with me as I consider how I use my time and spend the days with which YHWH has blessed me.  It's not so much a tally sheet or score card, as it is an inventory of my own discipleship and priorities.

I'm not a person given to time spent frivolously, but by the same token is my effort of any value?  There are many things I've nearly always considered a waste of time, but are my priorities the ones YHWH truly wants me to have in His plan for me?  I don't like television and I didn't even watch youtube videos until I started the Goshen Gazette and discovered some of our contributors make videos, myself now included.  Information or teaching videos are all I watch.  I, of course, check news sources, so I don't print fables and falsehoods.  Most of my information is obtained through reading.  I read Scripture, Biblical teachings, how-to books and articles. current events, some history, and biographical information.  Anything else feels like a time drain.

I'm sure most would find me as boring as the day is long, but time is such a gift that we so often take for granted.  The great thing about time, when used properly; as well as keeping us occupied and accomplished, actually benefits others.  Which brings me to a full day inventory, not to compare myself to the woman in the article, but we are all called to have a servant's heart.  The servant is not greater than the Master.  I can't imagine Y'hshuwah wasting time.  What did He do to relax?  Seems I remember an occasion of sending his disciples into town while he sat by a well, and ended up having quite a conversation.

I can't picture Him texting, or channel surfing.  I'm thinking if He Facebooked, He'd post a verse or two from the Prophets, and ask only a simple thought provoking question on some of these mile long debate threads.  Y'hshuwah taught us to pray for the kingdom to come and He showed us what it is to have a servant's heart. I'm believing the "be ready" has something to do with that.  On occasion, I've actually had the thought cross my mind, that I don't want to be doing this or be here, when Messiah returns.   I want to be doing something that glorifies the Father, when Messiah returns . . . and I say I'm awaiting that.  It's not about earning or working my way in a relationship with YHWH, it's really just important to my heart.

After reading the article, I know I have done an inventory regarding things that simply don't have any eternal value.  I don't like it when the earthly government wastes my tax dollars and I'm guessing my King doesn't like me wasting His time.

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