Sunday, October 26, 2014

Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

Healthy living truly is economical.  When I hear of the price of prescriptions and the cost of an office call, I have a visceral reaction.  If health care was truly about caring for people, wouldn't it somehow be more affordable?  We all know this Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable.  As for mandated health care, I'm so thankful to just be paying the tax, rather than the insurance premium.  Health care in America is expensive.  Medical expenses are the leading cause of bankruptcy in this country.  So it may indeed follow that unpaid medical expenses and health care provision have certainly contributed to the national debt.

Just a word about the Affordable Care Act before actually addressing the topic of this article.  The Affordable Care Act does three things, none of which are for the betterment of the health of Americans.  First, it gives control of health care to insurance companies.  More Big Biz and Big Pharma control.  Second, it has merely camouflaged a tax with a mandate.  Make no mistake, this will raise taxes for many low and middle income families.  Third, it now makes it illegal to seek medical care without this mandated insurance.  To add to the mix, there is a fourth thing, as well.  All "us" health care radicals will be accounted for by our tax penalty.  I've been completely out of the health care system since before 9/11.  Now, with ACA, I'm a statistic of dissidence.  With all that being said, let's get to the heart of healthy living.

A lifestyle of health comes with Instructions.  These Instructions are far superior to the AMA.  These Instructions were given by our Creator!  It doesn't get any more direct or personal than that!  A healthy lifestyle according to Scripture means a personal consultation at any time of the night or day.  This Bible lifestyle also comes with a great many promises and no long term negative side effects.  Oh, there's been the occasional imprisonment or even martyrdom, but there are many accounts of amazing deliverances and healing.
Meanwhile, we will find, healthy living may seem a bit more expensive when it comes to good food, and maybe even a bit inconvenient at first when it comes to Torah instruction, but it is drastically less expensive when that good food and blessed obedience results in a lifestyle that doesn't require medical care and prescriptions.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Tis the Season

In this part of the country, the weather is getting just cool enough to get jackets out of the back of the closet. This is also that time of year in which the need for charity seems to increase.  I'm not a proponent of the celebrating that which is not in Scripture, but there are ways to help others outside of the traditional charities.  One of the ways I enjoy discovering every autumn, is to share the money I find in my coat pockets.  I'm careful how I go about this sharing, though.

I do not want to cause anyone to stumble, so I am careful not to supply funds for addictions.  Many may disagree, but I feel a certain responsibility in helping people and the perfect place I've found to do that is in the checkout lines.  It's a simple but easy way to help someone.  This isn't to be confined to last winter's change, but the concept works with all sorts of change.

For those on a tight budget, and basically that covers most of us, it's not always easy to come up with a sizeable donation.  If we face facts, though; most of us can afford to do a bit of nickel and diming.  If you are one of those organized individuals who checks your pockets before stashing your coat for the summer, then there is another idea for sharing.  This is really easy and doesn't require calling attention to yourself or lurking . . .

It seems in most grocery stores, there is always a young mother with a couple of kids in tow, and there is always an elderly person.  To guarantee helping the elderly, just see which day the store offers a senior discount and go that day.  Most cashiers will work with you on this and in smaller towns, the cashiers pretty well know the customers.  When you check out, leave the change with the cashier and tell them it's for the next person that comes up short, or the next mom of three, or the next elderly lady, or my personal favorite; the person next in line.  That can have a ripple effect.  If the person behind me didn't need the help, they'll pass it on with their change, and if they did need it, no dignity is lost.  It's a small, very small way to touch a heart and bring a smile.

Many stores have a donation basket by the door.  See what's on sale in the canned goods aisle and buy the bargain to donate.  In this time of so many in need and so many in search of a way to give . . . Everybody needs groceries!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Found Money

My daughter and I have this "game" we play when visiting each other when I try to give her product.  When she sends a check, I don't cash it, and when I give her money, she hides it back in my purse.  It's what we do . . .  We are so much alike, when her check book doesn't balance or I find money in some extra spot, we know, we just know!  She and I are both "stashers" when it comes to smaller bills in receiving change,and we both leave a cushioned pad in our balance; but even though we stick it in a pocket or hide a small deposit in our account, we do remember when we come back across it.  It's when we know we didn't lose track of something, we know the other one has "been there!"

Recently I discovered some "found money," and immediately I had that old feeling!  This daughter of mine is tricky and truth be told a little on sly side!  What I had given her, was a gift, so when I discovered some money, I asked her, she was cagey, so I knew; and that was that.  I couldn't send a check, she already knew my trick!

It seems about 12 to 15 years ago, the old adage "found money is to be spent," became a new adage for me.  "Found money isn't figured in, and can be given away!"  My quest became rather interesting and quite touching this week.  I'd been told the grocery store in a nearby town kept "money on hand" for those who came up a bit short.  The food pantry in that town has now moved well out of the downtown area, so it's not really so accessible for those who are in need.  I'd already left some change on occasion, at the store and taken groceries to the food pantry, but when I heard there was actually a fund for this, I went with money in hand.  As it turns out, I'd heard wrong, but . . . they were gracious and agreed it was a good idea and they would implement it somehow.  To be honest, I was a bit embarrassed in that I felt like I drew significant attention to what I thought was just a simple donation.  It was so awkward, it almost stopped me from doing what I did today.  I'm so glad I listened to the voice of Adonai.

I heard Abba leading me to donate some money in the next town, when I went and today was the day. After reading my devotion and doing chores, I checked the phone book, intending to call to check their policy for donations, not wanting to make the same awkward and embarrassing situation this time.  Well, as it turned out, life got busy and I was on the way to town, before I thought of making that phone call.  I certainly wasn't going to be disobedient, but I was truly apprehensive about bringing attention to the endeavor.  By the time I got there, there were only the two women working the front.  I asked for the manager, and one spoke up and said that was she.  I simply stated, "I don't know where the town's food pantry is, but I know this organization operates an outreach beyond the thrift store."  She smiled and said yes, and I put the money in her hand.  She said thank you, I said  you're welcome and out the door I went.

Before I could get in my vehicle, the other woman came out the door in tears.  Now, I had that moment of instant ? . . . Never mind, this is what Abba sent me to do.  As she approached me with a pen and piece of paper, and the tears were flowing, she simply said she wanted to hug me!  Funny, I'd just been telling Abba how much I missed hugs . . .  We hugged and she said their food pantry had run out of food Tuesday.  Now, clearly, I had no way of knowing this.  I don't even live in that town or have that town for an address.  She, was clearly overcome with joy and surprise.  The pen and paper were for me to write my name.  I'm guessing she's going to be praying for me.  I know, I'm certainly going to be praying for her.  And my daughter, Des, is part of this, too!

What a moment of clarity.  Abba led me to a need I could not have possibly known about and that precious woman's prayer was answered, as she reaches out and helps in that community.  Oh, "found money" it has a purpose!  "Found money is to be shared!"

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I've spoken at length this year of the abundant harvest.  I've also mentioned many times over, the shemitah.  There is still a difference of opinion regarding this year or next, but I'm standing with many believing it to be this year.  I felt confirmation came once again, completely unsolicited by a couple of Big Ag farmers I know.  The bins and barns are full of grain, while there is much corn still in the fields.

With so many potential calamities on the horizon, we all need to realize life as we knew it, is already history.  That statement is not to fearmonger, but simply stating the fact.  Regardless of disaster or invention, life as we "know it" does not remain the same.  Life is not static.  Sadly, in this case, even the technological advancements are bringing potential for more disaster.  We should all consider seriously, making at least one major change that moves us closer to YHWH.  At this point in history, one step closer to YHWH is one step away from the world.

Since we know history repeats itself and there is nothing new under the sun.  Full bins and barns are an indication that we need to take note and not be wasteful.  It is also an indication that very soon, there will be a window of opportunity to take advantage of price reduction, as the excess cannot be stored for future use.  Be ready!  Also, the fact that some grain prices will drop and some companies will not even meet their promise, some farmers may not be able to afford to hold their ground for the next planting season.  Figure the shemitah in, and that could mean two years of reduced income for farmers.

We've got this situation backward.  Farmers are actually working for the same "green" the bankers are.  The reality of the food supply is set aside for the value of the dollar.  Big Ag can't afford a two year glitch in the perpetual motion, and the rest of society is not equipped to be self-sustaining for that period of time.  We simply must make some changes, even small ones toward the simple lifestyle that was planned for humanity.  The stress leaves our immune systems more vulnerable.  Although knowledge availability is certainly increased, with all the running to and fro, so is the potential for pandemic disease.

For those who will be faced with vaccines and shots to maintain employment, be sure to consider that cost!

His timing is always perfect.  This is the week Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles] begins.  It's the official "week of camping!"  What an awesome opportunity to get back to the simplicity of nature and hear the Voice of our Creator.