Sunday, August 31, 2014

10% - 90%

When we think of tithing, do we ever consider that really it all belongs to G-d?  He is our provider, and we are His children, so I've taken a reversed perspective now.  I remember the days of hearing, "You can do more with a blessed 90% than a cursed 100%."  I've lived that out to know it's true.  I remember the old days of working and working and not walking with YHWH.  I can testify that tithing changed my finances, but the reality is, G-d changed my life.  When I began following Messiah, my priorities changed.

Tithing was one of the first changes made in my new life.  It was nearly 20 years before I realized, not only do I give the first fruits to Abba, I'm responsible for the fact that He trusts me with 90% to be used at my discretion, which should be in accordance with what is pleasing to Him.   In glorifying Him, paying bills comes after the tithe . . . all both of them.  That's one of the blessings I've noticed about realizing "it all belongs to Him."  I don't have as many expenses.  My hobbies actually support me, which I think many of also overlook.  What we call hobbies or interests are probably really the talents we were given to provide us a way to earn a living.

A time tithe was also imperative in my walk with Messiah.  When I make time in the Word and time in prayer a genuine priority, I am aware of His presence in more of the rest of my day.  I have also discovered something that I think every believer should consider.  Quiet time is essential.  So much noise in our daily lives actually drowns out the Voice of Abba.  Whether it's time or provision, it's all in His hand.  What He entrusts to us is a gift from Him.  What we do with what He gives us, is our gift to Him!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Balance Sheet

The gardening season is winding down and I'm aware of coming into a new season of life.  Not just autumn, not just the Holy Days, but the reality that life has forever changed around the world, and judgment is upon us.  Many of us have asked YHWH to judge us now, so we can repent before the day of judgment.  The passage in Daniel 5, of the handwriting on the wall, has been weighing heavily.

Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written. And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.  This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; G-d hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.  TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.  PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. 

There is a balance sheet, and it's obvious to see, as a sovereign nation, we are divided, as well as finished . . . in many ways, but the part that keeps coming to my mind and heart, is that sentence about being weighed in the balance and found wanting.  I don't want to come up short in G-d's plan for me.  Because any shortcoming would be on my part.  I don't want to be found wanting before my Heavenly Father.  I want Him to show me the balance sheet, after His forgiveness.  I want to see what He has numbered for His people, specifically myself, and to do that.

The handwriting on the wall is clear for the direction our nation has chosen, but just like Daniel, the remnant still has work to do and visions to carry out or explain.  The balance sheet of YHWH does exist.  Y'hshuwah paid the price.  There is no need for anyone to be found wanting.  This world is a mess.  So many nations are at odds with each other and divided amongst themselves, and America is no exception.  We are simply the feet of iron mixed with clay of the dispersed Roman Empire.

Come out from among them and be ye separate.  Don't be found wanting!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Time, Money, Distance and Amenities

The other day, I was on a mission.  It took the better part of the afternoon and evening, but the results are wonderful!  I showed the lovely picture of little Zinnia that evening on social media, but two new bucks came on the ride as well.  They both won't stay long, as they are related, but they came as a package deal that I just couldn't pass up.

When Adonai told me to prepare practically, I tried very hard to be diligent in my preparation.  I'll admit right now, I'm a softie when it comes to goats.  I'm not always as practical as I need to be.  I am very practical in most areas of my life, but when it comes to kids, four legged or two legged, I'm usually a pushover.  Zinnia has already discovered that fact . . . back to the mission of practicality.  As I gave great consideration to this plan of preparedness, a memory popped into play . . . From the onset of this homesteading plan, I was really feeling the desire, I can't say led, per se, but the desire to have what I call a Jacob's herd.

In reading Genesis and taking notice of things in general, it does seem the purebred animals of any species are often subject to recessive weaknesses.  I've always had a pretty good mix of breeds in the herd, but it has seemed the solid light color or white is dominant in the kid crop.  One year, amidst predominantly dark nannies, and a light silver [blue] buck who should have been named Houdini, I had light silver, almost white kids in every pen.  He made good time covering four pens beyond his own, in that one week, every doe on the place gave birth to at least one silver kid.  I got him the first week of October.  The gestation period for goats is 5 months or 150 days.  Every doe kidded the first week of March.  I truly regretted selling ol' Jerry Lee, but even when moving to Goshen, a professionally installed 4 ft. 4X4 woven goat fence wouldn't hold him.  My that was a trip down memory lane.

Since I do believe in Psalm 37:4, I gave serious consideration to make spotted, streaked, and speckled dominant in the herd.  Clearly, Zinnia is a start for spotted.

 I call this mottled, as some versions of Scripture use that term.  He's got just interesting color changes and patches all over his sides and back.

A similar stripe on my previous herd sire has already been proven to be dominant in the herd, so next year, with the blessing of Yah, we'll see what the kids look like.  None of the does are a single color.

I got so excited in all the color and variables, I almost forgot.  Getting to the previous homes of all these fine creatures took a little over two hours in the traffic.  I travelled a little over 200 miles round trip and gave a little over $200 and 2 bars of soap, for the three of them.  It seems such a small investment for the potential.  I pray I'm planning according to Abba's purpose.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Matter of Time

The other morning I awoke with "time on my mind," once again.  Some may have a better grasp on the concept of eternity than I do, but the idea of never ending time, really eludes me.  I do have a pretty good grasp of time in this life though and here in this country much of it is wasted, by Scriptural standards.  I'm not suggesting that anyone can earn their salvation.  This information is simply what I believe is the standard for which we should consider "whatsoever we do, do all to the glory of G-d."  Time is how we spend our life.  Are we spending wisely?  When everything that doesn't count for eternity is burned away, what of our time on earth will have brought Abba pleasure?

It's easy to get busy doing all sorts of things that have no purpose.  I think that is our national pastime!  As I consider the way I spend my time, I realize there is still much room for improvement.

I am of the group that believes the day begins at sunset, and that's about the time evening chores are finished.  I don't think I'm spending my evening time in a way that brings Abba pleasure and that needs to change.  I don't have a television, so I don't spend the evening watching shows, but it seems after chores, I just schlep around, doing this or that, but not really focused.  I want to be busy about my Father's work through every waking hour.  I'm thinking beginning the day in the evening with the Psalms and Proverbs sounds exquisite.  Then perhaps some research and development of product.  In reading the headlines, I'd say the remnant is going to be pulling away from mainstream medicine very soon, or at least should be.  I'm getting to the point in life that I do need at least six hours of sleep at night, and seven doesn't hurt a couple of times through the week.  Abba has been blessing me with quality communion time between 3 and 4 am.  It's quite precious.  The names of many of my friends and clients come up through that time.

Each morning begins with prayer, personal hygiene, coffee, devotion time, and chores.  Usually I'm up before dawn, so that's the order.  If I sleep in past sunrise, coffee and devotions come after I let the chickens out, but that also means I "spent" more time unconscious.  I'm pretty sure the prayer time and devotions do bring Abba pleasure.  It certainly makes my days go well.  As for tending to myself and the critters, that's the responsibility for the life in which I've been blessed.  It's easy for me to get busy and not get back to serious time in the Word through the week.  I pray throughout the day, and listen intently for His Voice, but I have a Bible study time that has not been well established in the afternoon.  It's been sort of hit and miss, and I want to change that.  Debating Scripture and interpretations on social media is not the same thing as genuinely studying to show myself approved unto G-d.

As I watch the growing concern about the very violent religion of Islam, I am also aware of their dedication and devotion to "their god."  That same time spent in devotion and dedication to my G-d who is love and above all gods is what I need.  I believe it's what all True believers need.

Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of YHWH.  I Corinthians 10:31

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Added That Day

Education, money, tax exempt status, and "the Lord will provide"  are all topics of discussion in religious groups, while also discussing "signs of the times" and end of days.  It just doesn't all fit in the same conversation any more.  If we really believe these are the end of days and tribulation is at hand, why all the peripheral issues?  I admit it, I find myself sucked into at least one useless discussion nearly every day.  Times are turbulent and we aren't sure what's coming next, but as I consider the book of Acts, they didn't know what was coming next, either.  At least we can turn the page to see.

We've got numbers in the wrong "column" so to speak.  While we speak of membership, building funds, and offerings, the real numbers mentioned in Acts were people who actually came into the community of believers.  The "religion" in the book of Acts wasn't any hourly weekend gathering.  Those who were "added that day" got involved and stayed involved.  Some sold land for the cause, others prepared food, some taught, some took notes, many still worked and maintained their businesses, while contributing.

I realize this is a touchy subject, but I'm delving headlong.  Clearly James did not share the Gospel in a politically correct way as he was put to death by sword, pretty early.  Stephen, stoned to death in chapter 8.  Peter and John were in and out of prison and Paul spent a great deal of his ministry before the magistrates or behind bars.  None of these guys were popular like the big names are now.  Herod didn't like Peter the way President Johnson liked Billy Graham.  Can you imagine Paul in an interview with Oprah?  Picture if you will, if that is even possible; John the Baptist moderating a presidential candidate's debate.

I'm not against education, money, or comfort, but to spend the end of days in debate and call it fellowship is ridiculous.  I thought I was establishing a place of refuge for the remnant in the end of days, and I still think I am, but I don't think it's going to be the crowd I first imagined.  We have to really get serious about what we believe "as in the days of Noah" truly were.  Most of the time when I hear "the Lord will provide . . ." I discern that to mean it's business as usual, until . . . I think we have already passed business as usual.  The disciples dropped their nets to follow Messiah, and it was never "business as usual" again.

The time of choosing to come out from among them to be separate, is coming to a close.  The time to stand up and be counted is upon us.  When the line in the sand becomes a chasm, to which group will we be added that day?