Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Little Financial Advice

I'm no economics expert, but history bears a certain pattern to America ignoring the laws of Elohim, specifically when it comes to Sabbath and work.  Most of this country completely disregards the command to rest on Sabbath.  As a matter of fact, more money exchanges hands on Friday night and Saturday, than any other time in the week.  A great deal of money is handled on Sunday morning, but it is far from an exchange or transaction.  The reason I am bringing this up now, is many things in our society indicate great calamity is potentially at hand.

I believe the collapse, control and possible containment may actually come hand in hand.  Here are my thoughts of practicality.  I am not saying it's going to happen tomorrow, but we all know, this cannot continue at the present rate.  Now that most everyone uses debit cards, resetting everyone back to zero is really only a matter of hitting a switch.  I'm not suggesting bigger barns or hoarding, but the bottom line is, tissues and toilet paper could in reality be more valuable than dollar bills, very soon.  It truly doesn't hurt to lay in a little supply of things we do use perpetually.  Coffee drinkers, we absolutely know coffee is more valuable than money!

I shared with someone recently, that I've made a point of keeping my tithe in accessible cash on a monthly basis, and plan to pay my taxes as soon s the bill arrives this year.  In dealing with banks, something became very clear, a number of years back.  There is no slack or wait time in running my check through, as everything is virtually an e transaction now, but; deposits on the other hand, can take up to five days to post.  So leave yourself some breathing room for working around a potential electronic glitch.  This is not fearmongering, but merely a reminder as to how lopsided the economy is already functioning.  I could be wrong, but I'm guessing we'll make it through the first Tuesday in November.

On a positive note, handling transactions in cash or having a few extra supplies on hand is also a great plan for the upcoming winter.  It doesn't hurt to have a few extra cans of soup on hand or supplies that you know you'll use.  Take an inventory of your pantry and cupboards.  See what would be more valuable than money, just in case the powers that be hit the reset button.  If we don't need the extras in the pantry, I'm sure we all know someone who could use a little help.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Just Weights

Since we don't carry silver and gold to make purchases, and what is sold by weight is usually packaged and priced, it would seem this concept is rather archaic.  The term, "just weights" translates to me, to be honest in my dealings.  Honest in my relationships, motives, and in all business deals.  Before following Messiah, I wasn't into robbery or shoplifting, and I didn't choose to overtly lie, but I wasn't always honest, either.  I'm also not one of those people who choose to be mean or rude, calling it honest; as some things simply do not need to be said.

As my walk has continued on this narrow path, I've come to realize business dealings are personal.  The way I do business reflects the person that I am.  I've had a lot to learn.  In homesteading, all deals do not come with a price tag and cash register . . . especially when it comes to flocks and herds.  My first chicken purchase was wonderful and my first goat deals were quite illuminating.  It's simply in my blood to do a little wheeling and dealing, but I did show restraint . . .

The first Sunday afternoon on the homestead, I traveled about an hour to see a man about some chickens.  He had many breeds, of various size and age.  He asked me what I was looking for.  I knew enough to say tell him I wanted a dozen heavy pullets that were decent layers.  The "heavy" is a term used  to describe the meatier breeds.  He then looked at me and said, "How about a rainbow mix?"  What a perfect thing to say to me!  With that wonderful rainbow mix, he gave me a two young roosters, as a gift.  When I got home and was unloading them, I realized I had 15 chickens.  There was an extra pullet I hadn't paid for.  Apparently in gathering them from various pens, he hadn't counted one.  I called him and offered to mail a check.  He thanked me, but declined.

My goat deals taught me a great deal.  The first lady was just wonderful.  She had quite a menagerie.  It seems we made a bit of a deal, since I bought two, but what stood out at the time was her reference to the "Premise Number."  She said all farms would be getting them.  When I got home I did a bit of research and knew that was something this homesteader did not want.  Premise registration is a backdoor loss of property rights to the International Codes.  It continues to be voluntary at this time, and I still don't have one.  This bigger homestead didn't even have an address until 2009.

The next goat deal, really had an effect on me that I consider before selling any of my goats.  It was recommended that I buy a high quality registered dairy goat.  So, I found quite the goat dealer . . . I went out and saw the one that was for sale.  The overpriced deal was sweetened by the offer to have her bred there before I took her, so I left her for another month.  When I went back to pick her up, something happened so quickly, I didn't catch it.  Two steps toward the vehicle the woman stopped suddenly and said she needed to trim her hooves before we loaded out . . . Here, I'm dumb, I thought 'how nice.'  I hadn't had her long, when it became apparent, her hip would disjoint and need to be put back in place.  That's when I remembered the sudden hoof trim at the time of her purchase, and how the woman had shifted her hip when "trimming her hooves."  It ended badly in an ice storm.

With that, I determined I would be the most honest and independent goat woman I knew how to be.  Not that I would overtly sell a lame animal, but as I get to know my herd, I refuse to sell my problems . . . Like Jacob, I'll take the loss, and Abba has blessed me.  I sell healthy young livestock, an occasional milker, and every two years an ornery buck.  Reputations are gained by the way we conduct our business, and the way we conduct our business reflects who we truly are.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Grace and Blessings

Grace is clearly undeserved, unmerited, and completely non-negotiable.  Grace is the gift of mercy and forgiveness from our Heavenly Father brought through the death and resurrection of His Son.  Grace is also an "atmosphere" if you will.   Once a person has received G-d's grace, they belong to Him, and His grace is present in them, through them, and around them . . . What we have been freely given, we are to freely give.  Although grace is free to us, Y'hshuwah paid dearly.  Those of us who have received grace are called to extend grace, as well.  We are called to be gracious.

First and foremost, we are called to be gracious back to our Heavenly Father.  A covenant relationship involves participation of both parties.  Since Y'hshuwah is our advocate, He leads us that we may properly approach the Throne of Grace.  Hebrews tells us we can come boldly; not presumptuously, and not cowering, but boldly in the Name of Y'hshuwah.  To approach a Holy and Righteous G-d, we simply must follow the Instructions.  Y'hshuwah is the Word of G-d.

In my life, the simplest form of graciousness I can extend to Abba is obedience, gratitude, and thanksgiving.  Let's face it, He doesn't need anything I have to offer.  He is the All sufficient Existing One.  Even my righteousness is as filthy rags, before Him, but . . . He inhabits the praise of His people!   Praise for Who He is, Gratitude for what He does, and Thanksgiving for His many blessings.  I don't want to sound like Victoria Osteen here, but truly, praising G-d and giving thanks leads to more blessings . . . We cannot outgive our Heavenly Father.

We are told in throughout Torah that obedience is key to the blessings of YHWH.  Joshua 1:8 states a pretty bold promise.  This book of  the law [Torah] shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.  and Messiah delivered a very harsh statement in Matthew 7:23, to those who would disregard Torah.  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.  The word "iniquity" was translated from a Greek term meaning "without law" or in contempt and violation of law.

Obedience doesn't earn our salvation.  Obedience is how we demonstrate that we want to please our Father and obedience is the only way to follow Messiah.  Obedience is the result of salvation.  Obedience does result in blessings . . . not always of earthly standard, but definitely of Kingdom standard.
 Come now, and let us reason together, says YHWH: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:  Isaiah 1:18-19

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Unexpected Supply

Usually when unexpected funds come into my hands, I put them away for safe keeping until a need is made known.  About two months ago, some unexpected funds came into my hands, but at that same time the words I'd heard through morning chores back in April came into my spirit.  Considering the source of the funding, I knew Abba was reminding me of my mission.  In less than a week of this gifting and reminder, thoughts began pouring into my head, at very unexpected times.

Without going into dollar amounts here, I'd just like to share the opportunities for practical preparation that have arisen in the time frame of two months.  I check craigslist with fair regularity in the farm and garden section.  I was down to one guinea on the place, when I noticed a brand new listing.  That wasn't just any listing, however.   Upon arriving I noticed the solar panels, which opened the door to all sorts of interesting topics.  I learned a lot that day and took home a pen of guineas which are growing nicely with the last brood of chicks from the incubator.  As a matter of fact, in purchasing the guineas, there were several sizes of keets, and I was able to choose keets the same size as my chicks.  They are growing together and getting along famously.  Guineas are wonderful for natural tick control!

The reminder to take the plunge and purchase reusable canning lids came to mind quite intensely, and they arrived in days.  This is a real test of faith for me, in that I've never used them before and next year the land rests.  What is being preserved now, needs to be preserved properly, as there will be no garden planted next spring.  So far, so good!  Whether it's a collapsed economy or no buying and selling without the mark, there is a day coming in which organic homesteaders will need an alternative to disposable canning lids.

In the meantime, the hay has been abundant and I was presented with a wonderful opportunity to purchase it, in volume, and delivered straight from the field to this place.  The cost per bail was great, but it needed to be done when the opportunity was presented . . . Praise Abba, hay for the winter is already in place.

In the late summer, I always survey the herd and try to add some new blood, while that option is available.  I had already planned to purchase a new buck, but there are now three to choose from . . . At least one, possibly two will be gone by end of breeding season, but it will certainly offer the opportunity to keep many of the kids next year.  Also added are now three 2 year olds, and two doelings.  All of these new additions are headed in the direction of spotted, streaked and speckled . . .

The nudge, then became strong to make a significant move toward complete independence from the grid.  Now, here's where I may sound like the prosperity mess, and I don't mean to.  I'm not roughing it until I have to.  I have my wringer washer, but I am still using an automatic and I'd like to continue to do so.  I can cook over a fire, but I like my electric stove for now, and I have a wood-burner, but the heat pump is nice.  So, in figuring my daily use of electricity, an order was placed for a wind turbine that will meet that "current" use.  There was a great savings on solar panels as well, so that was a sizeable purchase, and yet, I still had funds . . .   There was a certain symmetry to using an unexpected "windfall" to purchase a turbine for wind power.

I was literally prepared myself, budgeting, and had been planning to use my own funds for these projects; although it certainly would have taken longer than two months!  In all the years of ministry, I've never had a problem with using my own funds for a project, as it all belongs to Him.  I've been very blessed in ministry to never have solicited donations.  By that same token, He has always provided what is needed and more, for what He's called me to do.  Even when I do use my own funds, He's the One who has provided!  I smile as I think, the time of the gathering must be getting close, as all of this is going into place so quickly.

Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of G-d;  II Corinthians 3:5