Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Cost vs. the Value

This past month, I've become very aware of "trips to town" and what I spend.  I wasn't keep track of the dollars, so much as in the month of High Holy Days.  There are more Shabbats, and since I was also trying to be aware of the day differential for other Torah Observant folks, the trips to town were well planned.  Funny isn't it, the more that goes into the planning, the more aware of other details we become.  My excursions to the local municipalities were not so much about penny pinching as they were about efficiency.

I've written enough about my lifestyle to indicate most of my sustenance doesn't come from town, but the things I don't raise here, I need and I didn't want to run out on a day I couldn't buy or sell.  I was also a little more snack conscious in there are so many days I wouldn't be cooking.  I've pretty much determined home grown cucumbers and old fashioned popcorn are the best snacks going.

Now, you may be asking yourself, does this article actually have point?  Yes, as a matter of fact it does.  I got to view shopping from a priority perspective, rather than convenience or economic.  The value of the purchase was more important than the cost at the cash register.  The fact that everything was purchased to revolve around the High Holy Days was ever in the forefront of my decisions and transactions.

Saturday is never a town day, but this month, there was another day most weeks that was also not a day to buy and sell.  Then there were my sliver moon friends and Jerusalem sighted moon friends who had days differing from my dark moon new month, and although I didn't observe those 'extra days of variance' officially, I certainly didn't want to go to town in disregard of their observance.  I try to always remember and never forget, I may be wrong in my understanding.

It was truly a blessing to spend this month completely revolving around the High Holy Days of YHWH.  The value of being able to know about these days and set them apart, far exceeds the cost of missing a day's work or a sale in town!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What More Do You Need?

I was praying this morning as I was doing chores and telling Abba how I want to feel better and allow Him to renew my youth and well, putting plenty of "I" and "me" into my prayer requests.  I became aware of something that literally stopped me in my tracks.  I do chores every morning here in the Land of Goshen, so although it's refreshing and invigorating every morning and YHWH's mercies are new every morning, the tangible presences don't alter greatly.  That's when I suddenly saw things so clearly.

The garden is still producing, the orchard is growing nicely although still too new for harvest, the lane was covered in grapes and blackberries earlier this summer, the root cellar is full of jars, and the pasture is beautifully green and plentiful for the livestock.  Then, I noticed the livestock and the oak trees.  I saw it this morning with "bigger eyes!"

There is a variety of fruit available through the seasons, a plethora of vegetables, meat, eggs, dairy, and more freedom than most experience in a lifetime!  I've known I was here for G-d purpose, so spiritually, I've understood the responsibility as well as the provision.  I haven't always handled the responsibility as I should, and I've done some major repenting along the way, but when I took this information in, this morning, with all my senses, it became more tangible than it ever had been.

Everybody talking about G-d, says He provides, but do we really see that in physical detail, our emotional needs, and economic supply?  Today, I saw it all, right here.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I've got it all figured out, not at all.  What I saw about provision and plan is this truth.  The places in which I have lack, are the places I haven't accepted His provision or tried to do it my way!  As this came into view, I then heard a very simple question.  "What more do you need?"

YHWH is my shepherd, I shall not want.  This is a truth long after we memorize it in Sunday School and long before it's printed on the memorial folder for our funeral.  It's a truth and a fact throughout our lives, if we truly believe and accept.  My livestock don't have to go searching for my plan.  They don't have to discuss it amongst themselves, although I do think a few of them do conspire from time to time.  The livestock know my voice, and they know where the food and water is.  They have shelter, and they know their young will be protected.  I know each of their names and their purpose here in Goshen.  They trust me fully for all their needs.

As I contemplated that question,"What more do you need?" my mind was immediately reminded that I have added wheat to my plans for raising my own flour, and I'm blessed with a few acres of oak timber.  Not only do I have firewood for the winter, but brewing ground roasted acorns makes a beverage very similar in flavor to coffee.

I also realized this morning, as I'm heading off the grid with wind and solar power, although there was no sun for direct solar power for the well pump, the rain had filled all the water tubs, buckets, and watered the garden and orchard to perfection!  "What more do I need?"  As a child of YHWH in Messiah, I have no need.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Down Side to Getting Away from the Dollar Standard

I've had one of those "aha" moments this week.  Here I am talking, talking, talking about simplifying and spending time rather than dollars to accomplish things, when I realized the kingdom currency of time is like the antithesis of convenience.  Perhaps that should have dawned upon me long before now, but it hadn't until I began thinking about winter feed for the livestock.

This year, I tried something that looks like I may be on the verge of success, but it's going to take some time and timing to accomplish this.  I decided to try to raise my own livestock feed for a two fold reason.  One, I don't want to feed the critters GMOs and just like our food supply, it's the big time operators that raise the same grains that makes high fructose corn syrup as well as chicken feed and bulk grains.  I don't think my operation even qualifies for "small time" operator by comparison.  The second reason was to establish a more sustainable food supply for the livestock.  If I can raise my own livestock feed, that is one more step away from dependency upon the power gaining system.

Now, most die hard convenient store patrons would make fun of me for this comparison, but I never realized how convenient it was to buy bags of feed from the Feed Store.   The Feed Store is like QuikTrip or Burger King for critters and since I now have that in my mind, I can't make the thought go away.  Clearly, I'd be remiss in my healthful simplicity to have my critters on a diet of fast food and junk, so this year, I planted feed beets.   I had already made sure to buy organic grain, but considering that "organic" is so loosely defined while very expensive, I've now taken a different route.  I do still have some on hand as I work out the details.

I planted four rows of beets and we'll see how long they last through the winter months.  The difference is, rather than scoop a couple of cans of feed into a bucket, I have to pull the beets, wash them, and cut them up, as they are quite large.

I'm excited about this prospect.  I already know my animals are healthier.  As for the money I will save, I still am not sure about that, but I do know; one 50 pound bag of feed costs more than one packet of heirloom seeds; projected to produce thousands of pounds of beets in perpetuity . . .

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I started a couple of new businesses in the last quarter of  2011.  I then set out to share marketing opportunities.  Fortunately, my Creator reeled me in on that endeavor, but not before I'd established Sales Consultant opportunities in 12 more states.  It was a crazy time for me, much excitement about many things that basically all fizzled out . . . which has turned out for the best, but . . . When the dust all settled, there was a letter, form, and amount due from a particular state regarding "franchise tax."

In times past, franchise tax did not apply to independent consultant opportunities, because sales consultants are not employees of a company, therefore the company technically does not have a tangible place in the state, but internet and indebted government has changed much of that.  So, back to my letter.  I, of course, at first considered panicking, seeing that it was now June of 2013 and the letter referenced 2011 with potential penalties and interest.  Instead I chose to approach the issue, as calmly, rationally, and prayerfully as possible.

I contacted the gentleman I had dealt with in the beginning and amazingly, through the prompts, etc. I actually got through to his desk and he was in.  Unfortunately, my issue was not within his authority.  He gave me a number that led to repeated, redundant prompts, and ultimately culminating in the instructions to go to the website.  Upon failing at that attempted twice, but in hitting an extra prompt I accidentally received an extension for filing; I sat down to reread the pages.  It was then that a peace washed over me, in the question of "What's the worse that can happen, it's already been nearly two years?"  So, I completed the form and made a special trip to the mail box to get this situation resolved.  I already knew I didn't need an extra month to file.  Either I owed it or I didn't, and I didn't think I did.

Well, the time passed, and the first date came and went, then the extended date went by.  I was walking down the hall the last week of August, and just mentioned to YHWH that I was hoping for some confirmation of resolution regarding that state.  It was not an intense prayer, just a spoken thought.

That Friday, in the mail, was an envelope from that state.  At the top of the letter was the word CONFIRMATION in capital letters.  Of course the correspondence was dated even two days earlier, so it was if my prayer went straight from YHWH to the desk at the state.  The rest of the letter was a wonderful keeper, in that I did not have any overlooked tax or penalty.  I am very careful in that I believe part of a good witness is that we are called to be conscientious in our business affairs.

YHWH not only protected me from being in over my head, but also delivered up that confirmation.  HalleluYah!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sharing is The Market Exchange

Time is the currency of the Kingdom, but sharing is the market exchange.   I have a wonderful example I'd like to share.  As we are establishing the new Section of the Goshen Gazette, the Executive Administrator and I began discussing the possibilities of "edible house plants" and various ideas.  I could hear her light up over the phone and she later messaged me about what kind of seeds I'd recommend.  I asked what she wanted to raise and I'd get back to her.

I knew with her experiment, there was no need to purchase regular quantities of seeds, as her "garden" space was limited and if she got heirloom seeds, she'd be able to plant in perpetuity, so I did a bit of checking and for the time being regular garden seeds that are not for sale ship easily in the US mail.  In a matter of a couple of days, she was excitedly planting her seeds, and in no time I received a photo of sprouts!  She had made the comment that I had sent more than she'd asked about.  That's something so special about the way YHWH created.  Most garden produce produces hundreds of seeds per plant.  One kernel of corn produces 2-3 ears with hundreds of kernels.  One tomato contains hundreds of seeds!  So, giving a few seeds to a friend creates no hardship or shortage.

The very next time the mail arrived after seeing that photograph, there was a small package.  It was from a friend on the other side of the country.  In it contained a family photo, with their little ones having grown dramatically, and . . . several envelopes of seeds.  There was absolutely no business or barter arrangement, just simply YHWH placing on the heart of each of us, the desire to share and encourage.

I never did "buy" that 100 fold increase to be applied to money, but I have seen it applied as Scripture states.  It is, literally, a harvest.  Our Creator doesn't need money, He just needs His people to realize what He promised to increase!