Sunday, September 8, 2013


I started a couple of new businesses in the last quarter of  2011.  I then set out to share marketing opportunities.  Fortunately, my Creator reeled me in on that endeavor, but not before I'd established Sales Consultant opportunities in 12 more states.  It was a crazy time for me, much excitement about many things that basically all fizzled out . . . which has turned out for the best, but . . . When the dust all settled, there was a letter, form, and amount due from a particular state regarding "franchise tax."

In times past, franchise tax did not apply to independent consultant opportunities, because sales consultants are not employees of a company, therefore the company technically does not have a tangible place in the state, but internet and indebted government has changed much of that.  So, back to my letter.  I, of course, at first considered panicking, seeing that it was now June of 2013 and the letter referenced 2011 with potential penalties and interest.  Instead I chose to approach the issue, as calmly, rationally, and prayerfully as possible.

I contacted the gentleman I had dealt with in the beginning and amazingly, through the prompts, etc. I actually got through to his desk and he was in.  Unfortunately, my issue was not within his authority.  He gave me a number that led to repeated, redundant prompts, and ultimately culminating in the instructions to go to the website.  Upon failing at that attempted twice, but in hitting an extra prompt I accidentally received an extension for filing; I sat down to reread the pages.  It was then that a peace washed over me, in the question of "What's the worse that can happen, it's already been nearly two years?"  So, I completed the form and made a special trip to the mail box to get this situation resolved.  I already knew I didn't need an extra month to file.  Either I owed it or I didn't, and I didn't think I did.

Well, the time passed, and the first date came and went, then the extended date went by.  I was walking down the hall the last week of August, and just mentioned to YHWH that I was hoping for some confirmation of resolution regarding that state.  It was not an intense prayer, just a spoken thought.

That Friday, in the mail, was an envelope from that state.  At the top of the letter was the word CONFIRMATION in capital letters.  Of course the correspondence was dated even two days earlier, so it was if my prayer went straight from YHWH to the desk at the state.  The rest of the letter was a wonderful keeper, in that I did not have any overlooked tax or penalty.  I am very careful in that I believe part of a good witness is that we are called to be conscientious in our business affairs.

YHWH not only protected me from being in over my head, but also delivered up that confirmation.  HalleluYah!