Sunday, March 30, 2014


Who knew there were so many commodities in the kingdom economy?  Our words are either liabilities or assets.  Social media has given me a gift, I greatly appreciate.  I have the gift of the delete button, because everything that flies through my head does not need to be said.   I'm not talking about rude or mean comments, and I don't use expletives, much less type them, but simply the awareness that everything going on, does not require my comment.  I would like to make this comment, however.  Social media needs an "agree" option, because some items of information I don't like, but I would acknowledge their validity.

Words do have value, and they also have a price.  A promise is words that come with the price of follow through.  An insult are words that come with a price of hurt and or repair.  Too much information, or TMI, as it's referred to, comes with the cost, usually with; regret of betrayal.  Scripture tells us our words have power of life and death.  That's power!  Since Scripture tells us words are recognized and valued positively or negatively in the kingdom, how are our power investments stacking up?  Will there be a stack of assets for the kingdom or a pile of liabilities?

When we evaluate the words we use, do we strive for eloquence or edification?  Do we use terms to come across as intellectually impressive or superior?  Or do we truly attempt to communicate with others?  Does our vocabulary change with our audience or crowd?   Does our tone and inference?  Some people do seem to have nearly two different languages, yet still in English.

If we conduct ourselves in every conversation as if we are either speaking with Messiah or representing Him, how will that affect our words?  Because if we claim to know Him, that is exactly what we're doing!

Monday, March 24, 2014


Who knew?  YHWH knew He would be leading me to actually talk about money in regard to His kingdom.  The New Testament addresses the subject of money, but not in the "prosperity trending way."  Money was only a tool, often specified for taxes and/or travel.   It was easier to travel with coins than produce and livestock for exchange.
 "Take these men, join in their purification rites and pay their expenses, so that they can have their heads shaved. Then everybody will know there is no truth in these reports about you, but that you yourself are living in obedience to the Law." Acts 21:24

Actually the Scripture above indicates, the ministers are to provide for the converts and flock in a tangible way.  Land, agricultural products, and usable merchandise were valued throughout Scripture, rather than the coins used to obtain these items.  And, of course, there was a completely different perspective of necessity and luxury.  The Creator of the universe will be glorified and honored in matters of earthly finance, if His people use the money according to His plan.

I was speaking with a friend the other day, and told one of my strictest kept secrets.  I don't usually discuss money at all, but one of my daughters would say otherwise.  With her, I think it was simply a matter of trying to drive the message home that there was more to life than money and materialism, but so far, that concept hasn't been received.  Back to my secret.

Years ago, when I established the Living Water Mission, I bought an old empty building in a not so upscale part of town.  I was able to pay cash for this building, so it obviously needed some work, a lot of work.  It had been on the market for a few years, and I think the sellers were just tired of dealing with it.  This was where YHWH had drawn me to establish the work He'd called me to do.  Not only was I to work with the children in the neighborhood on Sabbath, but the zoning permitted me to also see clients in my alternative wellness practice.  My wellness practice consisted of massage therapy, reflexology, iridology, essential oils, and herbs.

I had a very small monthly annuity income that was secure, and the rest of my income was based upon appointments.  Here is where it got very interesting and I cannot believe I'm posting this to the world wide web.  I purchased the building in June of 1998.  Now, in looking back, I'm even more utterly amazed at the provision of YHWH.  So many needs showed up in less than a year, but there was always enough to meet them . . . and often right ahead or right behind those needs, an "unexpected" provision would appear!

This is literally how I managed to have enough money to purchase the first homestead seven years later.  I ran that mission, paid the utilities and fed the neighborhood children on my annuity income of $513.70 a  month.  I also had plenty of gas money to serve as volunteer chaplain in various places all over the community.  Here's where it gets even more interesting . . .  I was directed to save the money I made from my wellness practice.   There were times I'd be shown, it needed to be used specifically, but otherwise it sat in a savings account, growing, and back then collected decent interest.  I was also led to make a couple of small stock investments, when I received a sizeable financial gift.  Then seven years later, when the time for my exodus came, I simply withdrew savings, and handed the title company a cashier's check.

The point I am making about money, is it's only a tool to use in this world, because our society finds the barter system inconvenient.  I am a child of the King, and I lived on an allowance.  I always had enough, usually, more than enough, but never lacked.  A church in the area ran a weekly food pantry, and it wasn't long until they contacted me to offer the leftover, perishable items they were given.  So, my food budget for the children, was reduced.  Thankfully, the timing was precise in the seven years later, when the water bill was to skyrocket, I was brought out to the first homestead and haven't had a water bill since.

Back before the real estate bubble burst, when house prices were it at their "height" it cost less than $30,000.00 to purchase two acres of land with a well, septic tank, and a nearly new manufactured home.  It was a start!  It was where I could learn without being overwhelmed.  YHWH knew just what I needed, and I'm so glad I trusted Him in obedience, on the money.  I was led to sell my paper stock to invest in four legged stock, make improvements on the place  and safely off of Wall Street before the Great Repression hit.   The rest of that, also went into savings, which ended up being used to buy a larger place.  YHWH truly gave increase, in that I didn't sell the smaller place for two years after I bought the larger one.

Now, even in 2014, my personal expenses still do not exceed that annuity income.  Having a business, I keep very accurate and separate figures.  That's not to say, I live impoverished.  I have many comforts and what I call luxuries.  My life just doesn't cost very much!  I don't buy many groceries, I don't need cable, I'm blessed with great natural health and beauty products as well as cleaning supplies, and in heading off the grid, the only utility bill I have; electricity, is greatly reduced.  Internet communication is the largest expense in the budget.  In 1998, I had no idea what YHWH had planned for 2005.  Now here it is 2014, and in looking back, I'm so glad I didn't spend the extra income, just to be spending it.


Sunday, March 16, 2014


I determined, early, very early this past Thursday morning that I am going to value the energy our Creator has placed within me and endowed upon me.  I really didn't realize what a commodity, energy truly is.  We quote many Scriptures about life, but too often we don't realize how we use our energy is how we live our life.

Frequently I ask YHWH to bless the work of my hands.  One of the first Scriptures I memorized as a child was Ecclesiastes 9:10  Whatsover thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.   I truly do attempt to do that in everything I do.  Half-hearted attempts, to me, are simply futile; a complete waste of energy and time!  For some time, now I've been able to see "time" as the currency of heaven, but in that, I'd overlooked "energy" as the means of the transaction.

Living requires energy.  Accomplishments require effort, and effort is the application of our energy.  Energy is not individually spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical, as every aspect of our being requires energy to function.  When spiritual energy is exhausted, we find ourselves mentally and physically drained.  Scripture tells us in Nehemiah 8:10, . . . the joy of YHWH is our strength.   If we focus on things outside of joy in our Creator, we will find ourselves literally energized by strong emotions, which take their toll on our mental and physical energy and ultimately our health.

The decision I made to value the energy, then became mathematical.  How am I going to invest this energy?  It was very easy as I considered the absolutely horrible waste of time and energy I had spent in a most useless dead-ended discussion.  I could say, I'd "fallen victim" to a rather disappointing situation a few weeks back, that I just couldn't bring myself to the obvious resolution, but that would be an inaccurate assessment.  I'll tell you what I did.

A few weeks ago, I spent a great deal of energy sorting through a situation and comment that really makes absolutely no difference in regard to my future, whatsoever, nor did it change the present . . . Actually, it brought closure to a time of disappointing confusion, but . . . I chose to spend energy continuing to sort.  I then, sadly, made a decision last Wednesday that was pure self-pity.  Self-pity is a truly, truly sad waste of energy.  I gave myself the birthday gift of a sad day.  After all, "it's my party, I'll cry if I want to."  I was wrong.  It wasn't my party, and I am not the author of my life.

Since that ridiculous day, I've rediscovered what I already knew and had been living by until the middle of last month.  Energy spent wisely actually increases the energy level.  Accomplishments completed actually inspire motivation and motivation is another word for mental energy.  Energy is a valuable commodity in the economy of the Kingdom.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Clocked Out on the Time Game

I have shared how I play a "time game" every year through the DST CST transition.  No longer than we are on standard time, I no longer change my clocks in the fall.  Every morning through the winter, I am aware that I have another hour to do whatever I'm doing . . . But that came to an end this morning.

It is my fervent belief that this time change has more to do with causing a more profound effect on our mind and body.  Through the shortest daylight hours of the year, many people simply do not see daylight hours except on the weekend.  That has an effect on how we feel.  By late January, the daylight hours have increased enough that egg production is on the rise, and I'm sure people would also feel the momentum if our society wasn't so clock-bound.

My Daddy has a saying about wasting time, he calls it "burning daylight."  It just seems this time game is a regimented way to burn daylight.  For the average office worker, the drive to and from work is their only hope of a glimpse of daylight through the winter.  Now with the time change, the folks who were just getting a glimpse of sunrise will be back to dark mornings, with very little significant daylight yet at the end of the day.

The time game a great way to usher in spring fever.  The truth of the matter is simple.  There are still 24 hours in a day, and so many hours of daylight and dark per day.  To change our clocks only affects us mentally, which then affects us physically.  This may help the pharmaceutical industry and the cable companies, but there are no studies that clearly state our energy consumption is diminished in the winter or our spending is increased in the summer.  Those were the reasons we were given for this time game, when it began.


Sunday, March 2, 2014


I try not to offer unsolicited advice, so I'll refer to the following as "suggestions."

As these end of days continue to unfold and our so called "recovering" economy continues to make all of us scratch our heads, I suggest we begin investing in a non-retirement plan!  Retirement isn't mentioned in Scripture.  America has moved so far away from dying with dignity, I see a real lack of human dignity looming on the horizon.   Compassionate end of life care will not be an option afforded much longer, because it will very soon become unaffordable.  Long term health care and retirement are not the subjects of this article, however.  A full life until our numbered day is the topic for today.

I've given this some serious thought as of late, for many reasons.  It has occurred to me that I'm not getting any younger, and I'm now the age my Daddy was when he took his retirement.  He's worked, taught, and been contracted since his retirement.  As a matter of fact, he's overseeing a big project right now, in regard to the grid in the Midwest, but even that tells me two things.  One, humans were created to be useful for their entire life and two, if they contract a retired guy to supervise this project, the future for the work force has already changed dramatically.

What kept families, fed and warm for centuries became "hobbies" last century and now all but forgotten in this century.  I'll be honest, here, I can knit, sew, and crochet, but I don't do it much, and I haven't taught my children or grandchildren how, so unless my descendants learn it elsewhere, my knowledge will die with me.  I'm feeling a bit guilty over that fact, as I type it.  What happens when scarves and mittens made elsewhere, are no longer for sale here?  What happens when the herbs and food supply are tainted with pesticides or simply altered by engineering?

My suggestion is straight-forward.  In less than four generations, too much has been lost.  I am absolutely exhausted and ashamed that so many in my age group have not passed on their skills, and encouraged our progeny to use their talents.  Considering the number of times most of us have heard the parable of the talents, and it is in the prophetic chapter of Matthew 25, how can we dare speak of the return of Messiah with talents buried?  The talents with which we've been blessed and our children have been endowed were not given to ignore, bury or waste.  We need to tend to these talents and prepare to use them for our own provision and in exchange.  Never before in history, has humanity been so wasteful and society so disposable while still saying, "G-d will provide!"