Sunday, March 2, 2014


I try not to offer unsolicited advice, so I'll refer to the following as "suggestions."

As these end of days continue to unfold and our so called "recovering" economy continues to make all of us scratch our heads, I suggest we begin investing in a non-retirement plan!  Retirement isn't mentioned in Scripture.  America has moved so far away from dying with dignity, I see a real lack of human dignity looming on the horizon.   Compassionate end of life care will not be an option afforded much longer, because it will very soon become unaffordable.  Long term health care and retirement are not the subjects of this article, however.  A full life until our numbered day is the topic for today.

I've given this some serious thought as of late, for many reasons.  It has occurred to me that I'm not getting any younger, and I'm now the age my Daddy was when he took his retirement.  He's worked, taught, and been contracted since his retirement.  As a matter of fact, he's overseeing a big project right now, in regard to the grid in the Midwest, but even that tells me two things.  One, humans were created to be useful for their entire life and two, if they contract a retired guy to supervise this project, the future for the work force has already changed dramatically.

What kept families, fed and warm for centuries became "hobbies" last century and now all but forgotten in this century.  I'll be honest, here, I can knit, sew, and crochet, but I don't do it much, and I haven't taught my children or grandchildren how, so unless my descendants learn it elsewhere, my knowledge will die with me.  I'm feeling a bit guilty over that fact, as I type it.  What happens when scarves and mittens made elsewhere, are no longer for sale here?  What happens when the herbs and food supply are tainted with pesticides or simply altered by engineering?

My suggestion is straight-forward.  In less than four generations, too much has been lost.  I am absolutely exhausted and ashamed that so many in my age group have not passed on their skills, and encouraged our progeny to use their talents.  Considering the number of times most of us have heard the parable of the talents, and it is in the prophetic chapter of Matthew 25, how can we dare speak of the return of Messiah with talents buried?  The talents with which we've been blessed and our children have been endowed were not given to ignore, bury or waste.  We need to tend to these talents and prepare to use them for our own provision and in exchange.  Never before in history, has humanity been so wasteful and society so disposable while still saying, "G-d will provide!"

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