Sunday, April 13, 2014

Earthly Investment?

Extra cash came into my possession, a couple of weeks ago.  As a rule, unexpected money is not the same thing as "found money."  My brain simply does not automatically connect income or extra funds with shopping or immediate spending.  As of late, however; any money beyond normal bills, I've felt a real urgency to invest in something beyond 0.25% interest at the bank.

With silver and gold staying about the same, I'm not leaning that direction, but rather in ways to implement the practical application of further independence.  I've increased my stock holding these past couple of weeks, nearly doubled the stock actually . . . but my stock is not paper on Wall Street, it's live stock in the pasture.  In preparing to share, I'm also asking YHWH to refine me and grant greater understanding in what it is to be in the world but not of the world, even when it comes to simple basic living.  That's basically the lifestyle of most Bible characters, whether they were good or bad.

Earthly wealth has always been measured by a material standard and Scripture does make reference to livestock as being a form of wealth.  Even when it's land and livestock, rather than gold and silver, I still watch myself and seek YHWH, that I'm not crossing the line in "laying up earthly treasures."  There have been a few times, in this homesteading adventure, I've thought of the man who built bigger barns to fill, but that night his soul was required of him.  I certainly do not want to emulate him!

As troubling times continue to unfold, I'm assessing what can be sustained in perpetuity, beyond myself.  I spoke with one of my grandchildren last night, and discussed the herd improvements, as well as the business.  I believe I'm being used in this lifestyle to share, not amass, and the acquisition is for perpetuity.  I don't know the day or the hour Messiah will return to establish His Kingdom on earth, so in the mean time, I continue to make investments that hopefully sustain and replenish, for future generations, if Y'hshuwah tarries.

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