Sunday, June 15, 2014

Truly Economical

One thing I've truly enjoyed learning about our Heavenly Father is how economical He is.  Oh, I love everything I've learned about Him, but I hadn't really considered His practical side before He moved me to this lifestyle.  He's blessed me immeasurably for a number of years.  Truth be told, He blessed me with much mercy before I even came to Him.  The fact that I was given the opportunity to come to Him when I did proves His mercy and grace.  But G-d commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Messiah died for us.  Romans 5:8  

The Creator of the universe does have a practical side and He gets "a lot of mileage" out of one move.  I'm proving my point this week, in the number of references to the herd management.  It's really a simple lifestyle to maintain.  I'd come to appreciate the perpetuity of an agricultural lifestyle.   Since He told me to prepare practically, in just two months, I'm already seeing increase!

I'm actually feeling sorry for those who are just trying to get G-d to bless their dollars.  It dollars are part of His equation for us, they are secondary or even incidental.  This past week, I was given a great example of how a blessing in dollars did fit, but it was long after everything else had fallen into place.  I'm sure everyone is getting tired of my goat stories, but herds and flocks have an economic value all through Scripture.  It's only in recent history that livestock have become more valued for the dollar than their many purposes of provision.  Yet I digress . . .

In preparing practically, I prayed about the buck situation.  Mixing the goat breeds is not against Scripture, so in Jacob style, I want to breed the strongest and most efficient herd.  Since I see real potential in three of the does my two year old buck threw, as well as a very nice buck, I realized the herd would soon need some new blood.  YHWH showed me a very simple way to continue the herd without inbreeding, while still maintaining the blood lines I'm aiming for.  Our Creator is really smart!  So the old bucks went on craigslist.

Several of my goats sold through craigslist, but Jed just didn't move.  The prices must have been good, because no one even tried to negotiate.  Those goats just sold in bunches, all but Jed.  He stayed on craigslist for the month, so when the monthly goat auction rolled around, he went there.  Interestingly, he sold for nearly $50.00 more than I was asking on craigslist.  The electric bill came the same day the check came from the auction barn.  With the commission already taken out, and after the tithe was figured, it was still more than enough to pay the light bill.

I was aiming for obedience in practical preparation.  I was also aiming for a good strong herd in keeping the does and young buck.  So, Jed was born on the place, to the biggest milk producer I've ever owned.  His genetics have been passed on to three does for the herd, as well as a buck that will breed all my new milk goats.  I really just needed him off the place and money was not even a consideration.  Jed was an easy keeper, easy to handle and obviously his quality was seen at the sale.  I'm sure I would have enjoyed the days of barter, but until the electric company wants eggs and milk, I appreciate the fact our Heavenly Father will figure money into the plan when needed.

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