Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Crazy Question?

It's not really so crazy, but I'm not sure too many of us ever ask ourselves, if we are accomplishing our purpose in life.  Have we really ever considered what we truly need to accomplish and maintain our purpose in life?  That may include money, relationships, jobs, shelter, hobbies; I can't speak for anyone else.  I can't say I've actually arrived at the answer for myself.  I'm not suggesting we get down to bare bone poverty, but rather to realize a number of things we don't really consider.  First to take the time to acknowledge just how well our Heavenly Father does provide and many extras we truly do enjoy.

Next, to consider our actual purpose in life.  We were all created with a specific purpose.  How much of what we think we need goes toward that purpose?  How much of what we think we need, stumbles or hinders us in our purpose?  Again, this isn't just about money and stuff.  We can have relationships that work against our purpose.  We can certainly have many things that make demands upon our time that we think are necessary or feel obligated.  Even employment may actually be keeping us from G-d's bigger plan of provision.  I'm not suggesting for a moment that anyone casually quit a job or career.  I know when I felt I had to give up my profession for my faith, it was a big decision that was not taken lightly.

It's very easy for me to get too many things going, that rob me of the energy and focus of what I really should be doing.  It can be small things, too.  Sewing sounds very practical and straight out of Proverbs 31, right?   It absolutely is, but; my granddaughters don't like homemade clothes and I've got more clothes than I need, so for now, sewing isn't needed to maintain my purpose.  When there is no buying and selling and the communities are gathering, my ability may very well be needed once again.  For now, it's on a back burner.

That's another wonderful part about taking inventory of necessities for our purpose.  Much of what's needed is knowledge and the willingness to meet a need when YHWH shows us.  My expenses, needs, and knowledge are quite different than urban dwellers, and completely in another universe from some.  My feed store bill for example is bigger than my grocery bill, but, my chickens and livestock provide most of my groceries, and the money spent on dog food, keeps my dogs healthy and friendly to guard the livestock!  My knowledge is spiritual, earthy, and practical, most of which continues to be obtained through Scripture, reference books, research, and learning as I go.

To work from the homestead, I need a good computer and sound internet service.  My computer is by most standards, a dinosaur, but it works and I know how to work it! (smile)  Due to my location, internet service is not abundant or unlimited, therefore I do have to consider my data use in accordance with priorities and purpose.  Many need cell phones, I do not, because I hardly ever leave the place.  What is necessary for one is not necessary for another.

As I write this, nothing is coming to mind that I need to fulfill my purpose, but plenty is bouncing through that I probably don't need and could actually be hindering me.  Most of us truly do have so much more than we need for our purpose in life.

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