Sunday, July 20, 2014

Living the Life . . .

This time of year, I am reminded, so often of how truly wealthy I am.  I'm not bragging here, but rather testifying of gratitude.  I would very much like to share this wealth . . . I do have clocks, but the sun and the critters remind me of the schedule.  I don't have to fight rush hour traffic and I don't have to have a stylish wardrobe, although I do have a style of my own!

I've shared before of some of the plans I put together long before this actually came to fruition, but it doesn't have to be long term distant goals for everyone.  I knew I had to be debt free when this was established and it had to be developed without incurring debt.  None of us can share what we don't have, so I would not be in a position to invite others to join, if the bank was part owner of the place.  I also made a conscious decision regarding my housing.  I chose manufactured for several reasons.  First, as it worked out, I moved it from one acreage to another.  Second, though, it's much easier on the tax bill for the long term.  My home is about 1560 sq. ft. which is about a thousand more square feet than I actually want to clean.  It has four bedrooms and two full bathrooms.  That is plenty of room to share while others are building or looking or whatever; when the time comes.

I realize there is no earthly security, so when the powers that be bring the NWO, what will be, will be.  In the meantime, however; I am thankful to be able to offer some of the "alternatives" that I enjoy.  The social alternatives are actually how humanity has lived for centuries since creation, until the last one.  I see the prices in the grocery store and my heart sinks for young families.  I read about the cost of medicine for the elderly and my heart is literally burdened.  Moses walked up a mountain at the age of 120 knowing he was heading to meet his Maker.  How sad it is, that our society has come to the place, that health is gone and death is feared.

There are some serious instructions in Scripture regarding our health and our wealth.  I'd certainly rather follow my Creator's orders than the doctor's. When I think of the price Messiah paid for my healing, I can't in good conscience ignore the Instructions and take a pill.   Abba has never misled me in investments, either, nor has He needed a bailout.  As I come into the house with a basket of bounty from the garden, or a pail of fresh milk from the milking parlor, not to mention grass fed beef in the freezer; the same thought frequently crosses my mind.  I could not find an earthly job that would pay well enough to live like this!

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