Sunday, March 22, 2015

An Opportunity

Once in awhile, an opportunity arises that you simply dare not taint with money.  That's not to say money is evil or bad, because we know it's only a tool, it's the love of money that is wrong, but I digress . . . Back to the opportunity.  As a Creation Wellness Advocate, or practitioner of natural health modalities, I do have a business that involves clients and the sale of products.  Through this; I also have the opportunity to minister. I've been able to do this with hands on in the area for years, but now with an internet presence, it's been interesting to see a health need on social media and simply offer to send something that might help.  It's as if my business makes my formulas and solutions legit!  Then I'm free to gift and donate as I am led.  Naturally, every transaction is not a gift, but there is something special in each opportunity.  Living agriculturally, tithing has taken on a new understanding, but in this business, products can be used in offerings as well.

Recently, I had the opportunity to administer reflexology with a formulated "Essentials and Extracts."  It was received so well, I asked if I could return.  The woman was quite gracious in her response and I told her I'd be dropping in within the next week or so.  This offer was not for the woman, herself, but for her son and the situation has been very trying and long term.  When I did get there, the young man seemed to remember me.  He genuinely responded favorably again.  She was sure he was aware and had remembered.  There were times he was obviously responsive.  As I worked, she and I chatted.  We discussed kids, grandkids, G-d, small town living, and country life.  All in all, I was there about an hour.  Until meeting me, she was unfamiliar with reflexology, herbs and oils, so I shared some of the progress other clients had experienced.  She asked me what I charged.  I almost told her my rate, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw her reaching into her purse.  I quickly said this was my offering and changed the subject.

As I was preparing to leave, I showed her the product applicator I'd brought for her convenience to use and she immediately went for her purse again, offering to pay.  It was then, that I knew, money could not enter the circumstances.  I've prayed for this young man for quite some time now, and I felt compelled to "lay hands on him and anoint him with oil."   She hadn't asked me to come, I'd contacted her.   This was pure ministry and one simply does not charge for that.  I don't know what Abba has planned in this situation, but I do know a few dollars in my pocket would not compare with the joy of seeing this young man back up and active.

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