Monday, December 23, 2013

When There is No Buying or Selling

Have you considered what you'll do when buying and/or selling requires the mark of the beast?  I've given some thought to this of late.  Of course, we are told earlier in the book of the Revelation that the people of YHWH will be given a mark, supernaturally.

* A word of caution here, even if it's presented under "religious" auspice, do not take a mark from any human, organization, or agency!

We also are told in the Revelation not everyone will survive not going with the "earthly plan" of that time, but in the meantime what will we do?  I'm raising a garden and livestock, as well as running a business, but when the time comes for a mark, I will no longer be able to sell.  Then what?  Here are a few thoughts I've had on this question.  I think barter will be a great idea amongst believers.  I'm hoping my product will serve as a tool of trade and I'm hoping others will want to trade their skills and products as well.

I'll be honest here, I've been a bit concerned about the coffee situation, once the mark is required for buying or selling.   I have learned that roasted acorns ground are a pretty nice substitute for coffee.  So far, the acorn crop around here is pretty amazing.  Oh, I'm still buying coffee for now, but when that time comes . . .

I'm also getting very serious about chickens this next spring.  If I'm going to be obedient to Messiah's words even through that time of tribulation if it takes place through my lifetime, I need to be able to feed people without buying food.  I think the realization that we talk about our spiritual stoicism through the end of days, but we often overlook the practical living side of what we'll do.  I've realized in the last few trips to town, I just don't buy much anymore.  I don't have as many stops to make and even when a dollar doesn't go far, I'm just not spending as much.  What I'm realizing, is my lifestyle is being affected less by the economy dictated in Washington, but I've still got a ways to go to "be ready . . ."

  We all talk like the tribulation is just about upon us and we are sure we won't take the mark of the beast, but what are we doing to prepare to be witnesses unto Y'hshuwah when we have been called to feed the hungry but cannot purchase what we need to share?   We sometimes seem to forget, at least I think I do, that there were coins and currency in Bible days, and taxes, but Messiah was not dependent upon that system and there is no record that manna fell around Him.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Arriving at a Price

We do need money or some form of buying power in this world for now, but I find myself often questioning how it is we came to determine what our time is worth.  Scripture says, we are to freely give what we've been freely given, and as a servant of El Shaddai, my time is not my own.  On top of that, the ideas for my products, be they books or soaps and oils; come from Him.  I'm just never quite sure how to arrive at a price for anything!  So, I figure according to the old standard of costs + overhead + supply.  That method worked for years and years.  Probably the main place I differ from our social perspective, is in valuing my free time verses "on the clock."  As a servant of YHWH, I don't really think of leisure time at all.  I rest every Shabbat.  In the evening, especially now that it gets dark so early, I want something to do, so it's a great time to work on formulas and write.

If I were watching a movie, how valuable would that time be?  If I was playing some computer game, what value would that have?  Since my lifestyle actually produces my living, I don't figure an hourly wage or work vs. leisure.  As I study Scripture, I'm just not sure how our hourly wage even fits into the figuring.  It seems, what I find, is land, produce, spices, fish, sheep, etc. had an accepted agreed upon price.  Fishermen weren't paid by the hour, they were paid by the fish.  Shepherds weren't paid by the hour, they tended their flock. The value of the sheep and the increase of the herd was in direct correlation to their health and safety.  The time a shepherd spent with his flock reflected in their well being, thus their value, but his specific time was not figured into the price.  I can attest from my own flocks and herds, up at midnight with a new arrival, as compared to a new one in the middle of the day, are not the variables at the time of sale.

In figuring the price of my soaps and oils, the variance in pricing is based upon the ingredients and supplies, and the value is based upon a good and satisfying finished product.  Books are the most difficult to establish a price, in that I truly do believe the words are given to me by Adonai.  I name a price, so the book sellers will carry them.  

A finished product used to be the point of work.  I can't imagine Solomon figuring an hourly wage on the construction of the Temple.  A good work ethic and pride in one's work, is what contributes to the true value of any product.  Ecclesiastes 9:10a was one of the first Bible passages I learned as a child.    
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might . . .

Sunday, December 8, 2013

And Another Thing

We know for certain, the kingdom of heaven does not run on American currency.  Clearly our Creator gave us talents to make a living and a life in this world.  Time is what is measured for the glory of YHWH.  How we "spend" our time is reflective of our priorities and gratitude to Him.  It has come to my attention, however; we all receive an "allowance" so to speak, when the windows of heaven open . . .

I remember back in the days of prosperity teaching, Malachi 3:10 was quoted frequently.  Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, says YHWH of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

I always thought it was funny that in the mainstream popular teaching, the only law that didn't get "nailed to the cross" had to do with tithing, but I digress . . .

Malachi 3:10 definitely addresses giving unto our Creator, but I'd like to share some insight I've discovered in His promise.  Did you know there is another passage in Scripture that refers to "open the windows of heaven" with the same words in Hebrew?  Genesis 7:11 contains those same Hebrew words.  In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Rain appears to be how our Heavenly Father pours His blessing.  Now that I've seen this, it makes sense, and I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner!  Rain is what causes the land to produce grass for the animals that will be meat and rain is what causes the crops to grow.  Rain provides the water we drink, the water the animals drink, and the fish live in, not to mention supported many a sea fairing journeys.

What rain "causes" doesn't necessarily provide all the things we define to be blessings, but the reality is, food and water are referenced continuously as blessings.  Flocks, herds, and harvests are the blessings of being the people of YHWH.  They always have been.  In Scripture, it was the people with flocks and herds and harvests that were wealthy and the merchants depended upon the shepherds and farmers to need their wares, rather than the other way around.

Throughout Scripture, when Israel was blessed, the crops yielded huge returns and the herds and flocks increased.  That is the standard of abundance!  The dustbowl that preceded the Great Depression bears witness as to what happens when the windows of heaven do not open to pour out a blessing.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Living in the kingdom economy on the promises of YHWH means we have enough.  This promise is stated in Hebrew Scripture as well as New Testament references.  In the kingdom economy, though, Y'hshuwah demonstrated with YHWH's blessing there is enough to share.

I would urge everyone through this season of religious debate and faithful observance to take just a moment or two, to look through your pantry, cupboards, and closets and see if there isn't something you can share.  Most of us have at least one article of clothing that is really in pretty good condition, because we never wear it.  Donate it!  There is probably some can of something that we'd not eat by choice, but if hard times came . . . The best way to not have to worry about hard times is by obedience to YHWH.

I know groceries are expensive, but there will be some traditional sales this week.  This week, on some items, they are practically two for the price of one.  Go ahead, splurge the extra few pennies and drop that second item in the food pantry basket.  Scripture is full of promises of provision, to the people of YHWH. Pocket change for one, may truly make the difference for another.

Although I don't participate in the politically correct holidays of our society, feeding the poor and clothing the naked is always Scripturally correct.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Presumption Cleaned Up

To be honest, even in the transition of realizing the currency and provision of the Kingdom of YHWH has no dependence upon American cash, I am still stumbling as I'm learning.  I had no idea how to fully apply the Torah teaching of giving "first fruits" to YHWH.  So, like most Americans, I wandered around in my ignorance, with the first check after payday being made out to the religious institution or ministry I was supporting.

Then came the agricultural reality of first fruits, and I got some of it figured out, but I'm still learning.  I have made a point of either providing the meat for a feast from the first of the flock, or if there is a financial need, selling a kid to provide for that, and then there is the fun of giving the first of the herd or womb to other TO believers starting their homesteads.  I've also given firstlings as a gift . . . with my latest book.

As for first fruits from the garden and orchard, my grandchildren and I have had such great special dinners in honor of YHWH's blessings and special prayers for said occasion.  Such a precious awareness this has become.  Of course, sharing the produce is great fun as well as gifting some of the canned goods, as well.  That has seemed a natural learning, if I can phrase it that way.  First fruits seems easy enough as applied to garden produce and Torah is very clear as to which livestock belongs to YHWH, even with Messiah as our sacrifice, so it was actually just a matter of finding recipients.

The latest revelation has come about 18 months after my presumptive offering.  I began a soap business in late 2011.  Immediately, when a sale was made, it went to a ministry toward a need.  I didn't even give it a second thought.  It's what is done!  Then I started another business, and the same thing took place.  I never even questioned or doubted my move, until . . . the government shut down, and even after applying the principle, it still took another month to understand it!

The first fruits of my business is not the money from the first sale!  And since I did it wrong, I'll take this moment to brag as well . . . It wasn't just a tenth of the first sale, it was the entire ticket of the first sale donated, but that wasn't the first fruits of my business.  The first fruits of my business was literally, the product itself!

Until this recent government shutdown, I hadn't realized how many people struggle to have "necessities" that are not covered in assistance.  People who are struggling to make ends meet, are so grateful for soap!  People who are struggling with pain or skin issues are often financially stressed or even socially embarrassed to ask, but are so thrilled to have natural remedies!  The synagogue doesn't need my soap, and the church facility doesn't need my products, but I do know the Food Pantries and the Street Ministries know where the need is and are able to distribute accordingly.

Once the light came on, it seemed so simple.  Of course . . . first fruits of the talents He's given us, is a tangible return and increase on the product of that talent!


Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Different Currency

Considering the fact that the American economy has absolutely no foundation, whatsoever, and our currency has no standard, perhaps it's time to seriously reconsider the meaning of "prosperity!"   Please understand, I'm not putting down our economic system, that's already been done.  We can't just blame the politicians, or the bankers, or even the greedy preachers.  Well, I guess we can, but that doesn't solve the problem or change anything!

We do need to continue to participate, as far as taxes etc. I believe, so I'm not suggesting a barter system that eliminates sales tax, I'm suggesting the idea that "currency" is simply used to exchange products or service.  It's the product or service that is the value and they need to be held in some sort of ratio standard.  The money and the tax is just the "equal sign of the equation" so to speak.  We need to assess the value of what our product or service is, compared to the things we cannot make or do for ourselves.

For instance, I don't have my own hay field, but the man who does, happens to have a wife and kids who like the soap I make.  He and I both still participate with currency, but the value of what we provide has it's own exchange rate.  It also works for donations as well.  Our local food pantry cannot accept home canned foods and fresh produce is impractical, but my soap is a welcome donation for two reasons.  One, it has an unlimited shelf life and two, it is an item that cannot be obtained with SNAP or WIC, so it's truly needed.

To this day, I'm sure I give away more books than I sell, but the words I was given to write were just that: given.  All I need to do is have a price for the book sellers to carry them, which of course raises awareness of the content.  Booksellers, sell books!  Authors can give them away . . .

Can you imagine if religious organizations actually operated as they did in the book of Acts?  If the congregation was large enough that the rabbi or pastor was needed every day, the congregation could actually practically and literally meet the needs of their "earthly leader" by providing housing, lodging, food, etc.  Years before the prosperity teaching, housing was actually provided, often, on the same property as the house of worship.

The economy of the Heaven's Kingdom doesn't have a debt ceiling and gold is merely pavement.  We have all been given at least one talent in which we can actually make a living and share in the abundance.  We are promised prosperity and abundance, but our Heavenly Father doesn't give His children things of no value.  His blessings are never without value, and He knows the American currency has no value.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Necessary Evil?

We've all heard money referred to as a "necessary evil!"  Nobody ever admits to loving it, yet Scripture clearly says it is the love of money that is the root of all evil.  It doesn't say eating the forbidden fruit, or telling your husband to sleep with your slave girl; It says the "love of money!"  With that fact established, the next point to ponder is the concept of a necessary evil.  Is evil ever necessary?

The reason I ask this question, is the desensitization that can come from equating evil or pain with being necessary.  I remember when "medicine had to taste bad to be good."  And now nobody likes Obamacare . . . I don't know of a child who hasn't attempted to hide under office furniture to avoid a vaccination.  Now look at the reports!  The continual programming and desensitizing has resulted in many negative returns and damage that cannot be undone.

YHWH has created within each of us a way to make a life, make a living, and the ability to negotiate trades.  It is the steadfast prayer of this author that those of the kingdom would step on in to the kingdom economy.  Just like the coming cashless society, the kingdom economy doesn't run on money, HOWEVER; unlike the coming cashless society, the currency of heaven's kingdom is time and talents.

Since buying and selling is referenced for the mark, will the term "it's a necesary evil" be used to justify and rationalize?
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.  Rev. 13:16,17

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Preparing Isn't Hoarding

In my time of making preparations and listening to the admonition of those who are "trusting the Lord" I have been torn at times.  It is easy in our society to get carried away with simple sustainability and start "needing bigger barns."  I'm thankful when I get side tracked in that direction, that is exactly the Scripture passage I hear.

Y'hshuwah certainly set the example of how the Kingdom Economy actually works.  We are given increase to share.  There are three things I've been instructed to reserve a supply, beyond my business inventory, and gardening.  Those three are of course to not waste garden produce, but I've been instructed to store coats, and sheets.  I can and freeze every summer until frost wipes out the garden, and this year I'm attempting to maintain fresh produce through the winter, although so far, it doesn't look like an easy or promising task.  Could be, "to everything there is a season' applies to the absence of fresh produce in winter, at least for me in my location at this time.  I'll keep you posted on that one.

The other two items have come into reality in interesting ways.  For whatever reason, my family who is farther north has continuously offered coats "nobody can wear."  It seems my Mom always brings them in the summer when the thrift stores prefer to not take those items for donation.  Thrift stores only have so much storage space and often they are just inundated with old clothes that really should have been relegated to rag bags.  So, as the coats have been offered in July and August, they have been stored to be given away when the winter need arises.  So far that has worked in an amazing way!  The needs actually "present themselves" and some are kept in reserve based upon the words of Messiah that we should pray the fleeing not be in winter.  Since our society seems "hell bent" to do things in opposition to the Word of YHWH, I feel the ensuing calamities may leave some folks fleeing who just may need coats when they arrive.

Sheets, on the other hand are stored for a future time.  It's specific, for bedding, curtains, and sewing.  Sheets serve so many useful purposes.  They may not be the print or result in the style of choice, but they can certainly keep the draft down . . .

I just keep seeing, over and over, in headlines, in dreams and visions, that the true "currency" in the last days is going to be basic supplies, food, soap, and clothing.  We don't need to hoard, we just need to have enough to share [sow] that YHWH can give the increase.  It will be so interesting when we do "community up" to see what others have been instructed and gifted to do!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Cost of Compromise

As the ominous haze and fog of "affordable health care act" becomes enforced, I believe we have to go beyond the current administration to actually place the blame.   This horror has become mandated law, but it couldn't have happened without the choices of dependency we, as a society, have been making for years.

Let's face a very unappealing fact.  We place our trust in insurance and the wisdom of man, and call it "of G-d."  Should we look at this a bit closer and question.  Maybe if modern medicine and insurance were of G-d, this leader who the religious conservatives loathe would not have managed to put it in place.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield has always been a pet peeve of mine.  The cross has clear significance in Scripture, in regard to healing; and shield is used as a reference to faith!  How did we not see this?  No eyes to see, perhaps . . .

We can choose to blame the White House, Congress, even the Supreme Court, but . . . if those quoting Isaiah 53:5, were actually living it, this could not have happened.  If we had realized years ago, that "inviting Jesus into our heart" was the same thing as "YHWH's Torah written on our heart . . ." we would have been living according to Exodus 15:26.

A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.  Ezekiel 36:26

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:  Hebrews 8:10

Y'hshuwah clearly stated they that are whole, need not a physician.  Three times it's recorded!  And He promised to make us whole . . .

But when Y'hshuwah heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.  Matthew 9:12

When Y'hshuwah heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.Mark 2:17

And Y'hshuwah answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.  Luke 5:31

Remember the woman with the issue of blood recorded in Mark 5:25-34?  Also recorded in Matthew 9 and Luke 8.  Three times once again!  There are three specifics mentioned.  She had given physicians all that she had but was no better, G-d had clearly not used physicians, and she had faith to be made whole!  Although mandated health care was not mentioned, she had lived a long time with the problem before placing her full faith in touching the hem of His garment.

Hem or boarder of garment reference:  also found in Numbers 15:38.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Come on Out

For anyone who is still wondering and following any of the new and improved teachings of the "Prosperity Gospel," I have a word for you . . .

Unless you are the speaker who will receive the proceeds in the collection plate, it doesn't work.  That is not to say, YHWH doesn't bless His servants, I'm talking to and about the people who are following the men speaking to itching ears, rather than following Y'hshuwah.

Sometimes through the week, as I ponder an article for this particular section of the Goshen Gazette, I wonder if I sound like I'm beating a dead horse or just being unnecessarily negative, but then I am shown another example of the need to shout the warning and proclaim the alternative.  Our society now has things so backward, "alternative" is actually the original plan.  All the way back to Abraham, the trading was in livestock and gifts, not money.  The one time "money" is referenced in the account of Abraham, it was actually silver in exchange for land, burial land to be specific.  There's  no indication that Noah made any purchases in building the ark, and clearly money was a non-issue immediately following the flood.

As I watch our society go cashless, while so many become more dependent, I'm troubled.  I've been told in no uncertain terms by believers that I just don't see the situation for what it is regarding government assistance.  Oh, but I do see it!  There is a slippery slope as we combine "G-d and country" that our Creator never ordained.  "Country" is exalting itself to be the provider, when YHWH has already stated He provides.  While cashless is a very short distance from cards to chips to  . . .

I pray all of us get a real glimpse of His plan regarding the talents He placed in each of us, that we might truly enjoy the work of our hands and the product of our labor.

There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of G-d.   Ecclesiastes of Holy Scripture

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Diffrerence

My life is very intertwined, and it wasn't always that way, as a matter of fact, I was quite disconnected and far from intertwined for years, personally.  My life was distinctly cubbyholed with virtually no segue between.  Now, my life flows around my service to YHWH and connects to that fact constantly.  My business is either an extension of ministry or a support of it.  The homestead enables me to not have to work in town or be dependent upon disability income, as well as preparing to share with those who would like to be less dependent on the developing new world order.

In conversations, I continue to hear and contribute the same basic information.  Life is getting expensive!  No doubt the cost of living appears to be just beyond the earning power of the majority, but is that because we have redefined the actual true cost of living?  In reading earlier American history, pre-America European history, and of course back to Biblical history, we have definitely redefined "need."  Our cost of living seems to include several extras we now consider essential to our every day living.  The old saying about "keeping up with the Joneses" seems to have blurred into obsolescence with so many programs to "level the playing field."  Life isn't a playing field and it's not about leisure time.

I think the real problem began when relaxation after a hard day's work, was replaced with the "need" for entertainment when the mantra became "work smarter not harder!"  I'm not claiming to be the hardest working person around, but I do know, by the end of my average day, I want to relax, not be entertained, or worse go somewhere to unwind!  We used to work hard enough in our every day life that we "unwound" as we went!  Work is about a meaningful accomplishment, not a job to fill time so we could afford to kill time!

The economy of the kingdom does include or allow for the currency of our present system.  Abraham bought a field with measured silver.  Messiah had the disciples catch a fish with a coin in it's mouth.  Torah addresses the topic of wages.  We are called to work and earn and be in debt to no one, so paying our bills in a timely manner is as much of our witness as teaching and preaching.  The situation today, though, is there is a day coming in which the currency will be replaced by a mark that is of eternal consequence.  The sooner we sort through what we actually need vs. what we think we want will make this next question simpler.

If we worked hard enough to "wind down" through the work day, to enjoy a relaxing evening and look forward to a day of rest, would we need so much entertainment?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Cost vs. the Value

This past month, I've become very aware of "trips to town" and what I spend.  I wasn't keep track of the dollars, so much as in the month of High Holy Days.  There are more Shabbats, and since I was also trying to be aware of the day differential for other Torah Observant folks, the trips to town were well planned.  Funny isn't it, the more that goes into the planning, the more aware of other details we become.  My excursions to the local municipalities were not so much about penny pinching as they were about efficiency.

I've written enough about my lifestyle to indicate most of my sustenance doesn't come from town, but the things I don't raise here, I need and I didn't want to run out on a day I couldn't buy or sell.  I was also a little more snack conscious in there are so many days I wouldn't be cooking.  I've pretty much determined home grown cucumbers and old fashioned popcorn are the best snacks going.

Now, you may be asking yourself, does this article actually have point?  Yes, as a matter of fact it does.  I got to view shopping from a priority perspective, rather than convenience or economic.  The value of the purchase was more important than the cost at the cash register.  The fact that everything was purchased to revolve around the High Holy Days was ever in the forefront of my decisions and transactions.

Saturday is never a town day, but this month, there was another day most weeks that was also not a day to buy and sell.  Then there were my sliver moon friends and Jerusalem sighted moon friends who had days differing from my dark moon new month, and although I didn't observe those 'extra days of variance' officially, I certainly didn't want to go to town in disregard of their observance.  I try to always remember and never forget, I may be wrong in my understanding.

It was truly a blessing to spend this month completely revolving around the High Holy Days of YHWH.  The value of being able to know about these days and set them apart, far exceeds the cost of missing a day's work or a sale in town!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

What More Do You Need?

I was praying this morning as I was doing chores and telling Abba how I want to feel better and allow Him to renew my youth and well, putting plenty of "I" and "me" into my prayer requests.  I became aware of something that literally stopped me in my tracks.  I do chores every morning here in the Land of Goshen, so although it's refreshing and invigorating every morning and YHWH's mercies are new every morning, the tangible presences don't alter greatly.  That's when I suddenly saw things so clearly.

The garden is still producing, the orchard is growing nicely although still too new for harvest, the lane was covered in grapes and blackberries earlier this summer, the root cellar is full of jars, and the pasture is beautifully green and plentiful for the livestock.  Then, I noticed the livestock and the oak trees.  I saw it this morning with "bigger eyes!"

There is a variety of fruit available through the seasons, a plethora of vegetables, meat, eggs, dairy, and more freedom than most experience in a lifetime!  I've known I was here for G-d purpose, so spiritually, I've understood the responsibility as well as the provision.  I haven't always handled the responsibility as I should, and I've done some major repenting along the way, but when I took this information in, this morning, with all my senses, it became more tangible than it ever had been.

Everybody talking about G-d, says He provides, but do we really see that in physical detail, our emotional needs, and economic supply?  Today, I saw it all, right here.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I've got it all figured out, not at all.  What I saw about provision and plan is this truth.  The places in which I have lack, are the places I haven't accepted His provision or tried to do it my way!  As this came into view, I then heard a very simple question.  "What more do you need?"

YHWH is my shepherd, I shall not want.  This is a truth long after we memorize it in Sunday School and long before it's printed on the memorial folder for our funeral.  It's a truth and a fact throughout our lives, if we truly believe and accept.  My livestock don't have to go searching for my plan.  They don't have to discuss it amongst themselves, although I do think a few of them do conspire from time to time.  The livestock know my voice, and they know where the food and water is.  They have shelter, and they know their young will be protected.  I know each of their names and their purpose here in Goshen.  They trust me fully for all their needs.

As I contemplated that question,"What more do you need?" my mind was immediately reminded that I have added wheat to my plans for raising my own flour, and I'm blessed with a few acres of oak timber.  Not only do I have firewood for the winter, but brewing ground roasted acorns makes a beverage very similar in flavor to coffee.

I also realized this morning, as I'm heading off the grid with wind and solar power, although there was no sun for direct solar power for the well pump, the rain had filled all the water tubs, buckets, and watered the garden and orchard to perfection!  "What more do I need?"  As a child of YHWH in Messiah, I have no need.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Down Side to Getting Away from the Dollar Standard

I've had one of those "aha" moments this week.  Here I am talking, talking, talking about simplifying and spending time rather than dollars to accomplish things, when I realized the kingdom currency of time is like the antithesis of convenience.  Perhaps that should have dawned upon me long before now, but it hadn't until I began thinking about winter feed for the livestock.

This year, I tried something that looks like I may be on the verge of success, but it's going to take some time and timing to accomplish this.  I decided to try to raise my own livestock feed for a two fold reason.  One, I don't want to feed the critters GMOs and just like our food supply, it's the big time operators that raise the same grains that makes high fructose corn syrup as well as chicken feed and bulk grains.  I don't think my operation even qualifies for "small time" operator by comparison.  The second reason was to establish a more sustainable food supply for the livestock.  If I can raise my own livestock feed, that is one more step away from dependency upon the power gaining system.

Now, most die hard convenient store patrons would make fun of me for this comparison, but I never realized how convenient it was to buy bags of feed from the Feed Store.   The Feed Store is like QuikTrip or Burger King for critters and since I now have that in my mind, I can't make the thought go away.  Clearly, I'd be remiss in my healthful simplicity to have my critters on a diet of fast food and junk, so this year, I planted feed beets.   I had already made sure to buy organic grain, but considering that "organic" is so loosely defined while very expensive, I've now taken a different route.  I do still have some on hand as I work out the details.

I planted four rows of beets and we'll see how long they last through the winter months.  The difference is, rather than scoop a couple of cans of feed into a bucket, I have to pull the beets, wash them, and cut them up, as they are quite large.

I'm excited about this prospect.  I already know my animals are healthier.  As for the money I will save, I still am not sure about that, but I do know; one 50 pound bag of feed costs more than one packet of heirloom seeds; projected to produce thousands of pounds of beets in perpetuity . . .

Sunday, September 8, 2013


I started a couple of new businesses in the last quarter of  2011.  I then set out to share marketing opportunities.  Fortunately, my Creator reeled me in on that endeavor, but not before I'd established Sales Consultant opportunities in 12 more states.  It was a crazy time for me, much excitement about many things that basically all fizzled out . . . which has turned out for the best, but . . . When the dust all settled, there was a letter, form, and amount due from a particular state regarding "franchise tax."

In times past, franchise tax did not apply to independent consultant opportunities, because sales consultants are not employees of a company, therefore the company technically does not have a tangible place in the state, but internet and indebted government has changed much of that.  So, back to my letter.  I, of course, at first considered panicking, seeing that it was now June of 2013 and the letter referenced 2011 with potential penalties and interest.  Instead I chose to approach the issue, as calmly, rationally, and prayerfully as possible.

I contacted the gentleman I had dealt with in the beginning and amazingly, through the prompts, etc. I actually got through to his desk and he was in.  Unfortunately, my issue was not within his authority.  He gave me a number that led to repeated, redundant prompts, and ultimately culminating in the instructions to go to the website.  Upon failing at that attempted twice, but in hitting an extra prompt I accidentally received an extension for filing; I sat down to reread the pages.  It was then that a peace washed over me, in the question of "What's the worse that can happen, it's already been nearly two years?"  So, I completed the form and made a special trip to the mail box to get this situation resolved.  I already knew I didn't need an extra month to file.  Either I owed it or I didn't, and I didn't think I did.

Well, the time passed, and the first date came and went, then the extended date went by.  I was walking down the hall the last week of August, and just mentioned to YHWH that I was hoping for some confirmation of resolution regarding that state.  It was not an intense prayer, just a spoken thought.

That Friday, in the mail, was an envelope from that state.  At the top of the letter was the word CONFIRMATION in capital letters.  Of course the correspondence was dated even two days earlier, so it was if my prayer went straight from YHWH to the desk at the state.  The rest of the letter was a wonderful keeper, in that I did not have any overlooked tax or penalty.  I am very careful in that I believe part of a good witness is that we are called to be conscientious in our business affairs.

YHWH not only protected me from being in over my head, but also delivered up that confirmation.  HalleluYah!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sharing is The Market Exchange

Time is the currency of the Kingdom, but sharing is the market exchange.   I have a wonderful example I'd like to share.  As we are establishing the new Section of the Goshen Gazette, the Executive Administrator and I began discussing the possibilities of "edible house plants" and various ideas.  I could hear her light up over the phone and she later messaged me about what kind of seeds I'd recommend.  I asked what she wanted to raise and I'd get back to her.

I knew with her experiment, there was no need to purchase regular quantities of seeds, as her "garden" space was limited and if she got heirloom seeds, she'd be able to plant in perpetuity, so I did a bit of checking and for the time being regular garden seeds that are not for sale ship easily in the US mail.  In a matter of a couple of days, she was excitedly planting her seeds, and in no time I received a photo of sprouts!  She had made the comment that I had sent more than she'd asked about.  That's something so special about the way YHWH created.  Most garden produce produces hundreds of seeds per plant.  One kernel of corn produces 2-3 ears with hundreds of kernels.  One tomato contains hundreds of seeds!  So, giving a few seeds to a friend creates no hardship or shortage.

The very next time the mail arrived after seeing that photograph, there was a small package.  It was from a friend on the other side of the country.  In it contained a family photo, with their little ones having grown dramatically, and . . . several envelopes of seeds.  There was absolutely no business or barter arrangement, just simply YHWH placing on the heart of each of us, the desire to share and encourage.

I never did "buy" that 100 fold increase to be applied to money, but I have seen it applied as Scripture states.  It is, literally, a harvest.  Our Creator doesn't need money, He just needs His people to realize what He promised to increase!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Harvest Truly Depends Upon What We Sow

With no temple standing, it's not easy to determine just what we should do with a tithe.  To further complicate that issue, I live an agrarian lifestyle, and Scripture is full of what's expected with first fruits, first of the flock, first and 10th, but I don't know where to give the offering, so I continue to seek and search out the matter.

I've got some pretty good solid foundational understandings, and I believe YHWH is blessing my seeking, but there is still the matter for all of us, as to how to give to YHWH or meet a need in His Name.

I'll begin with the obvious.  The prosperity teaching is wrong.  I do not believe YHWH will make sure you get 100 times whatever you donate to the preacher with a private jet and multi-million dollar, tax free mansion.  I also know you don't "capture" the Holy Spirit leading all the latest books.  That's not to say, books are not of value, as sometimes the author addresses the exact issue that has blocked our understanding, or opens the insight for a particular Scripture, but a book of eternal value gets us in the Word, and confirms the Word.  I don't want to reap the harvest of judgement some of those prosperity folks are sowing.

The next area of consternation for me is the increasing number of people who are simply asking for money.  Chances are they need it more than the group mentioned in the previous paragraph, but they may be in the place of "want" because they can't handle money properly.  I try to make a point of taking along fruit and water and my latest book when I head to town.  Then when I see someone with a "sign" at the corner, I can give them something to eat, something refreshing, and something to think about.  I usually include a dollar or two, but that's my limit.  I don't believe in giving someone something that could cause them to stumble.  Money is not easy for most people to manage, and clearly someone who is begging has difficulty with money.  I don't want to turn anyone away that might be hungry, but I also don't want to enable someone to buy something that I don't want to provide.   I certainly don't want to help someone stay in addiction bondage, of any kind.  I don't want to sow a harvest of addiction or poverty for myself or my children.

As I look in Scripture, for places to share and give, I of course know, I am to support the ministry of which I'm called with asking donations.  I also read of widows, orphans, and visiting those in prison.  That's the soil in which we're called to sow.  Who knows what affect we may have on a child who doesn't have a strong G-dly influence, and we certainly need to stop assuming everyone who is old knows G-d.  If that were the case, end of life medical treatments would not be so numerous.

 When it comes to sowing into the kingdom, of course we use our earthly resources, as well as our time, but we must sow wisely in soil YHWH has prepared.  I don't ever teach to give to receive, but we are called to be accountable in our giving.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Simply Abundant

This book I wrote four years ago, has had a sort of resurgence as of late.  I don't know if more folks are embracing the idea of simplifying or just rejecting complicated "solutions."  At any rate, Simply Abundant, is making a second round of readers.  As the book explains, although I was outside of mainstream, I didn't invest thousands of dollars to go off the grid.  I simply began moving in that direction, with incremental goals.

Simply abundant covers everything from simple ideas of celebrating Sabbath to ideas for stretching a dollar to healthier food and less stress.  People have told me, "Everyone can't do that!"  That's what Pharaoh told Moses, too, but as it turned out, Pharaoh was wrong.

 Although Simply Abundant is a pretty much upbeat modern version of pioneering, it emphasizes the importance of enjoying simplicity, rather than complicating efficiency.

Our society has placed great importance on material possessions as a sign of personal value, and that's simply wrong.  We've relegated G-d given talents to the back burner and called them hobbies, when in fact, our Creator placed those in us to be able to earn a living and enjoy the life He gives us.  He gave Instructions for health, family, and a relationship with Him.  Simply Abundant shares the joy of basics.  It is possible to live without planning to be in debt til we die.  It is possible to live quite comfortably on what most folks spend on entertainment, because when you're enjoying the life YHWH planned, there is little stress, or need for distraction.

There is always something to do and plans to enjoy.  Beginning at midnight Monday night through midnight Wednesday, this book will be offered for lending through kindle, I think . . . if I did it right!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Prosperity Gospel

I don't like to teach against what I don't believe.  I prefer to share what I do believe, but Scripture tells us the love of money is the root of all evil and it's been woven through our culture and beliefs in a very serpentine manner.  I want to take the time to dispel a few presumptions.  The Bible is very clear regarding YHWH's definition of sin, He loves us so much He actually had Moses write out Instructions, the DOs and the DON'Ts, but Timothy was warned that the foundation for temptation was the "love of money."  So, rather than call it what it is, idolatry; many of the prosperity faith have taught us to call idolatry blessings!

I used to think the prosperity teaching was so ridiculous, it wouldn't survive through the American economic recession, but it's alive and well and it's spawned other "another gospel" that Paul warned against.  Here are just a few more heretical teachings.  Now, not only does G-d want us to be rich, He also wants us to not feel so guilty about our sin . . . He wants us to have a "user-friendly Bible" that doesn't discourage our current decisions.  He wants us to have a good positive attitude, and in our move away from pagan customs, He's good with us just redefining and making it up as we go along!  Some folks believe His definition of abomination has "evolved."

But He still wants us to buy the books of the original Prosperity Promoters.  In all of this religious transition, the one teaching that remains consistent and the one law that isn't legalism, is tithing . . . keep those finances coming in.Those mansions and private jets don't pay for themselves, you know!  Tax exemption just allows one to keep what comes in, it doesn't actually generate an income!

I'm not speaking against money.  I pay bills, and I have no tax exemption.  My electricity and internet do come at a financial cost.  Even going off the grid has an upfront investment cost.  Life on this earth is not free or shouldn't be, but when we live by the Kingdom Economy, we learn the difference between need and greed, and we develop a new appreciation that less is often more.  It's a blessing to not have any larger house to clean.  It's a blessing to downsize, but I still have more than I need at this time.  It's a blessing to have what I consider nice clothes, but a warm coat in winter is more important.  Wealth by the standards of YHWH is not what's being taught in mainstream American religion or politics.

The prosperity teaching is just the modern way to say, "love of money," mammon, two masters, and "covet."  Not to mention, idolatry, in exalting money and possessions above our Creator and calling it blessed.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


A fascinating aspect of kingdom economy is the true opportunity to invest in the future.  Kingdom citizens have the opportunity to actually invest in things of eternal value, which is the future generations.

In the midst of many of the opportunities, only one, was not well received.  My anti-country granddaughter had the idea or was given the idea that I could raise goats for her to sell the kids, to make money for a car in a couple of years.  I explained to her, the real value of the goats I raise is the fresh milk, for my soap products and to save money at the store.  I save more at the store than I make selling the kids.  The kids I sell basically pays for the feed for the milk production.  And the business I have does not interest her at all, so basically long distant goat raising probably isn't a great idea.  That's the only information that didn't go over well, the rest has been delightful.

I've got two older goats, good milk providers, that simply aren't going to be around forever, and I needed some young blood in the herd.  I jokingly refer to the Goat Auction, as "buying stock."  So far, it's done better than Wall Street the last few years.  I did manage to purchase two lovely young does that look quite promising in the milk department.  One is nearly dried up and ready for breeding and the other is producing beautifully and still young enough that I can get her bred and still milk her a couple more months.  Futures!  Meanwhile, I can dry up the older goats before breeding and that will take less of a toll on them.

I was able to show my granddaughter several dinners made straight from the garden, which means basically no expense as well as no GMO consumption.  These are important things for our future generation to know.  It's coming down to the reality that real food is going to have to be raised in a home garden.

We also got several buckets ready for producing in the green house this winter.  Rather than just starting bedding plants in January in the green house, I'm planning to raise fresh veggies all winter.  I'll be keeping you posted.  My bucket potatoes have been moderately successful, and I'm making improvements as I go, so I should have a good method to share very soon.  It's a new kind of "futures investment," and yet as old as recorded history!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Loaves and Fishes

YHWH has blessed my life and the ministry in which He's called me, many times over with what I call the Loaves and Fishes blessing.  He showed me years ago and led me to teach this principle of faith, when the prosperity teaching was flourishing.  I'd truly rather have 12 baskets of left overs of something of actual value, than 100 fold increase of something worthless, like dollar bills!

This past week, I've been blessed to be enjoying one of my granddaughters, and was also visited by my late friend's family last week-end.  I think I've seen more people and done more actual speaking to humans in the last two weeks than I've done the first six months of the year!  That's not the point of this article, however.  I want to talk about the loaves and fishes blessing of multiplication, only this time it was chicken!

Two chickens, some chips and twelve people for lunch.  I wasn't quite expecting the size crowd that arrived, but I had prayed that everything would go well, so I believed my prayer had been heard.  I got a little shaky when I realized a gallon of lime-ade just filled all the glasses once, but I persevered.  There were buns, bread, and crackers, bar b q sauce and spicy mustard.  My friend's sister had told me not to go to any trouble, they wouldn't be staying for a meal, so I thought of this as more of a rest stop snack in their travel plans.

Only one pulled chicken fit on the platter.  It seemed the more I scrappied it up for sandwiches, the higher the pile became.  The other chicken was on the stove, ready for the platter, but it never came to that.  There was still pulled chicken left on the platter, as the paper plates began to be thrown away.  There were still teen-agers munching crackers and chips, and I started to grab the other chicken, when the everyone said they were finished and thank you.  I attempted one last offer and was declined.  They had continental breakfast before they got here and dinner plans up the road.

One chicken did in fact feed twelve people and the other chicken, let me tell you.  First, I made chicken and dumplings with the dark meat and that covered a dinner and a lunch the next day.  I made my now famous chicken taquitos with half the white meat, and my granddaughter just raved.  Then she said, I outdid myself, making stuffed kale with the last of the chicken . . .  One package of cream cheese took care of both meals, and the difference was quite distinct, yet simple.

The taquitos had cumin and jalapeno, the stuffed kale was spiced with oregano and thyme.  The economics of the kingdom is having more left over than you started with!

And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.  And they did all eat, and were filled.  And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.  the Gospel according to Mark

Monday, July 22, 2013

Wealthy Habits

I read an article earlier this week that I truly wanted to link to this blog, but alas, my Google search has resulted in a similar article.  Although the article was focused on material wealth, I believe spiritual wealth as well as integrity are a very similar lifestyle.  It's so interesting to note the only real difference is the "currency standard" between earthly wealth and kingdom wealth.  The discipline is really quite similar.  I'll skip through a few of the list items that caught my attention, and include the link.

1.  Wealthy people arise early, 3 hours before they are due to work.  Consider the time tithe of a 24 hour day.  Seeking YHWH early in the morning is highly recommended through His Word.

2.  Make a "to do" list.  - Seek ye first the Kingdom of YHWH . . .

3.  Diet and exercise is important.  See Leviticus

4.  The majority of wealthy people don't say everything that comes to mind.  See Proverbs

5.  The percentage of wealthy people that gamble is markedly smaller than those who are not wealthy.

6.  Wealthy people have actual goals of accomplishment, not just the next purchase.

7.  80% of wealthy people acknowledge the birthdays of others, at least by phone.

In reading this article, I realized although our society tends to measure wealth in currency and assets, most will not achieve that financial wealth, but in their striving; may actually miss the wealth of the Kingdom and simple honest respectability of values.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Don't Make Work Out of Simplifying

Don't make simplifying more difficult than need be.  Learn what is needed when times get tough, but don't make life unenjoyable or intolerable.  We all have different definitions of that, so I'm not going to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, but rather just give some basic food for thought.  Knitting socks is something I know how to do, but if all cotton are less than a dollar a pair, and I have a dollar, I think it's insane to make them now.  I can't buy the yarn or spend the time for what I can buy right now, but . . . there is a day coming, if I am alive through that time in which I won't be able to buy or sell, then I'll be so happy to know how to knit.  I'm not hoarding yarn but I have some . . . and we have it in writing that YHWH can make shoes last 40 years, walking through the desert, so I'm guessing socks in the cold will last if they're needed.

There are certain things that I do find worth the extra work, even if cheaper is available.  Although simplifying doesn't need to be expensive, some items are long term investments and that should be considered.  As I've mentioned in Holy Homesteading, I bought a good tiller.  I spent the money on what I thought would be a good investment.  I didn't go for an inexpensive small replica, but I already knew I liked gardening and I definitely believe one of my jobs as a servant of the Most High Elohim is to maintain a real food supply, based upon creation, not laboratory experiments.  I also, however; have an old cultivator that is still in working order and a miniature burrow that can pull a small plow, if gasoline becomes unavailable.  I'm not out there in the blazing heat with a 100 year old cultivator and a scythe right now, but I'm glad to have them, if the time comes that I need them.  For now, I'm enjoying my TroyBuilt Bronco!

I'm still using an automatic washer and most of the time a dryer.  I did have a clothes line that got taken down in a building project, but is going back up, and I'm watching for a wringer washer.  If I find the wringer and still have electricity, I'll continue to be using the automatic washer, and even with a clothes line, the dryer is wonderful in January!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Talents are the Currency Exchange

Although it may come across that I am wearing out the subject of time, we live in a society in which so much time is wasted, that the value of time bears repeating.  It seems time, like so many things isn't really valued until we realize how little we have left . . .

Talents of Biblical proportion, as mentioned in the building of the Tabernacle, the Temple, the Proverbs 31 woman, and Y'hshuwah's parable have been relegated, for the most part, to back burner hobbies.  I know, in my own life, when the television went out the door, most of my knitting and crocheting ceased.  Since I couldn't stand to just sit and stare at the box, I had a project going at all times.  Now that there's no box for staring purposes, I just don't pick up the yarn.  I still have the knowledge, so I guess if needed, I could whip out some socks or mittens, but for now, I hope YHWH doesn't count me to have buried it.

I have discovered many other talents that I believe are currently of greater need and they take a great deal of my time.

Talents and abilities were given to us by our Creator to use in this world, not only to be successful in life, but to bring Him glory and honor in our life.  I am absolutely not against education, but in many cases, it has become an idol that robs us of using our actual talents.  The love of money has truly replaced the good feeling of accomplishment, and sadly, we just spend more money to fill the void of buried talents.

YHWH gave us talents to get us through this world.  We can use those talents to actually establish a business or employment and we can use our talents to be less dependent on the world around us, for our provision.  With ready made socks and gloves so readily accessible at affordable prices, knitting, sewing, and crocheting may not be a much needed talent at this time, but we are told in Scripture, there is a time coming in which buying and selling won't be an option without eternal consequences.

Many of us have been afforded much grace in the time we've been given, back burner hobbies may well in fact be buried talents that YHWH has entrusted us to use in the way of life He has planned and purposed for us.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

About $1440 - Exactly 1440

Time in a day vs. money.  This caught my attention this week, because I just spent about the same number of dollars on appliances, that I pray serve me well into the future.  In my capacity at, I receive quite a few private questions regarding money.  I received a budget question from a person who makes about that amount of money in a given time frame, as well as someone who recently borrowed that amount, and an individual who needs about that much money, and doesn't have it.

Considering the economy and the fact we are surrounded by temporal things, I would wager to guess, most of us, fit into one of those four circumstances.  This life costs money, and yet we say we don't want to focus on money.

It would appear, somehow in the previous paragraph, four kinds of people are represented, and regardless of need and circumstances, what we do all have in common is the same amount of time in a day.  Time like money, can be invested or spent, however; it cannot be placed in a bank, per se.  Considering interest rates, money really isn't worth saving either, these days . . . yet I digress.

In the four scenarios of the money situations, I spent that much hoping it "serves" me, and very grateful that I wasn't caught up in the rent to own plans that abound.  The person making that much in a pay period was wanting help budgeting to make it work for them.  That individual is probably in the minority.  Most of us don't consider a budget until what we're doing isn't working.  The person who borrowed it, will ultimately be paying a great deal more for that instant fix.  Sadly, our nation's economy is only based upon perpetual motion.  Isn't it interesting that interest rates are so low for saving and so outrageous for borrowing?  The person who needs that amount of money is probably in the mainstream of today.  Sadly mainstream America is now comprised of people who simply do not have the means to maintain the lifestyle that is mainstream America.

We do the same thing with out time.  Hopefully, some of the time we spend is viewed as investing in the long term.  Abraham had that perspective.  We also have to make plans to accomplish.  The Proverbs 31 woman very well, portrays planning.  None of us claim to have enough time and most of us are aware of something coming in which we want to set apart a block of time.   Y'hshuwah demonstrated how to use the time we are given, even when it seems short and we are promised; in union with Him, our need will be supplied.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Time is What I've Been Given

Kingdom Economy addresses time, regularly, because as I've read and written before, I truly do believe time is the currency of the Kingdom of Heaven.  I'm quite certain the currency isn't dollars or Euros, and since the street is gold, even precious metals are only pavement.  Time is what differentiates the spiritual realm from our earthly habitation and those who are citizens of the kingdom now have everlasting life.

We ran an article, here at the Goshen Gazette, a few weeks ago that has had me thinking ever since.  The article was entitled: "The Markings of a Servant's Heart."  That article has really stayed with me as I consider how I use my time and spend the days with which YHWH has blessed me.  It's not so much a tally sheet or score card, as it is an inventory of my own discipleship and priorities.

I'm not a person given to time spent frivolously, but by the same token is my effort of any value?  There are many things I've nearly always considered a waste of time, but are my priorities the ones YHWH truly wants me to have in His plan for me?  I don't like television and I didn't even watch youtube videos until I started the Goshen Gazette and discovered some of our contributors make videos, myself now included.  Information or teaching videos are all I watch.  I, of course, check news sources, so I don't print fables and falsehoods.  Most of my information is obtained through reading.  I read Scripture, Biblical teachings, how-to books and articles. current events, some history, and biographical information.  Anything else feels like a time drain.

I'm sure most would find me as boring as the day is long, but time is such a gift that we so often take for granted.  The great thing about time, when used properly; as well as keeping us occupied and accomplished, actually benefits others.  Which brings me to a full day inventory, not to compare myself to the woman in the article, but we are all called to have a servant's heart.  The servant is not greater than the Master.  I can't imagine Y'hshuwah wasting time.  What did He do to relax?  Seems I remember an occasion of sending his disciples into town while he sat by a well, and ended up having quite a conversation.

I can't picture Him texting, or channel surfing.  I'm thinking if He Facebooked, He'd post a verse or two from the Prophets, and ask only a simple thought provoking question on some of these mile long debate threads.  Y'hshuwah taught us to pray for the kingdom to come and He showed us what it is to have a servant's heart. I'm believing the "be ready" has something to do with that.  On occasion, I've actually had the thought cross my mind, that I don't want to be doing this or be here, when Messiah returns.   I want to be doing something that glorifies the Father, when Messiah returns . . . and I say I'm awaiting that.  It's not about earning or working my way in a relationship with YHWH, it's really just important to my heart.

After reading the article, I know I have done an inventory regarding things that simply don't have any eternal value.  I don't like it when the earthly government wastes my tax dollars and I'm guessing my King doesn't like me wasting His time.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Counting the Cost

As stated in previous articles, Kingdom Economy is time based, rather than monetary, and with a time base comes the need to evaluate effort, energy, and accomplishment.  Debating, discussing, and arguing matters of spiritual importance must truly be assessed.  What is the cost in time and is it worth it?  What did Y'hshuwah do?  I realize there are more "internet teachers" than we can even count now, so if all parties involved are "teaching," who are the students?  Are those with genuine questions getting lost and misled in the debates?  Sometimes I have to wonder.

So often we do spend our time in ways that really render no visible accomplishment and assess that to spiritual seed planting . . . Sometimes that's true, but sometimes that's a religious euphemism.

The one thing I have noticed in all the heated debates, is what follows.  The division and the discussion about the debate takes precedence over the actual topic, then the decision as to who was right and who was wrong and why, becomes the next topic.    *See image above . . .

To be honest, I am not drawn to conflict.  I do believe I am not to cower, but I don't feel led to force my views upon those who are not asking questions.  I base that idea on Scripture, as well.  I Peter 3:15 says I'm supposed to be ready to give an answer for reason for the hope to anyone who asks, but if they are already sure of their own answers, they aren't asking about my hope.  Have you ever been in a discussion that finally ended and all you could think was, "I want my time back?"  Have you ever found it a relief to have someone give you the silent treatment?  I know I have.

I have reassessed this discussion topic for my own life and the reality is simple.  Time is valuable.  Valuable to all parties in the discussion, but if the discussion is a dead end debate or argument, there is the time of others to consider.  What about the person listening or in the case of internet media, reading this debate?  Have the participants resolved their questions or raised confusion?  What about someone who was intimidated to get in the middle of the "all knowing" discussion?  What about YHWH's plan of edification of the body?  What about "the same Spirit but different administrations?"  What about the passage in James that says "be doers, not hearers only."

We are told the Kingdom of G-d is not in word, but in power.  Maybe the cost of endless debate in the last of days, is getting too costly.  Perhaps it would be more efficient and cost effective for some practical app of the Beatitudes.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's Not About Ownership

All of this talk of being debt free and now I say, it's not about ownership . . . Ownership is just the "side-effect" of being debt free.  I do, on paper, own my home and the land it's sitting on, but in reality, this country is mortgaged so far in debt, that if the lien holder called in the note, I have no idea what would happen.  I've actually heard non-followers of Moshiach use this reasoning to not bother to get out of debt, as they would have nothing to lose in the event of economic collapse.  For now, I don't worry about what might happen, I live according to Torah and the Native perspective of land, which are one in the same.  Land is not of value for sheer ownership, but rather for what it will produce.  So, I stay productive on the land.

Ownership does require maintenance and accountability.  If I rented, I could call the landlord to fix something, but he'd be expecting a check on the first, even if there was nothing to fix!  The tax man likes to hear from my annually, but if I payed a mortgage, it would be figured in and held in an account, and if I paid rent, the landlord's taxes would be included in my rent.  As long as I live in this world, specifically this country, even though my citizenship is of the Kingdom of Heaven, I will be paying taxes in this life, one way or another.  Messiah was born in Bethlehem because his parents were "out of town" to pay taxes, and the coin in the fish's mouth, to pay taxes!

Possession without payments isn't about acquiring and amassing, but to be debt free from the bondage of a payment plan and interest.  By choosing to own my home, I have shelter and can share shelter without having to meet a monthly payment or rent.  I don't live in a fancy house, but I'm warm in the winter and dry when it rains [if I stay indoors.]  By having no rent or mortgage, I don't have that financial obligation to meet on a regular basis.  Being debt free, frees me up to be able to financially help those who are just getting started or in the case of some, having to start over and rebuild.

 In conducting my affairs according to the guidelines of the Kingdom of my citizenship, tithing is sort of like taxes to the kingdom, but it's a much smaller percentage than what earthly governments demand!  Only by living by YHWH's economic plan, can I live so well in this crazy economy.

Ownership is not about proof of being blessed.  Ownership in our society just means "bought and paid for" and debt free is a definite blessing!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

So When Do We Work ?

Once upon a time, long ago when I was a kid . . . and that really is getting strangely distant. I told someone the other day, it used to be when remembering something that happened 20 years ago; it was a memory from my childhood. Now, as memories go, I was on the homestretch of childhood, forty years ago! Yet I digress . . . Back to our "once upon a time," there was a saying. "Man works from sun to sun, but woman's work is never done." Years before that, long, long before me, it was put into writing, "Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work."

The industrial revolution and the material boom of the fifties moved folks to town and working six days, changed to a five day work week, with forty regular hours and overtime.

I was just becoming of working age in the mid 70's, when the idea of a four day work week infiltrated our society. Of course, I didn't realize that was actually getting farther away from G-d's plan. It was presented as part of the plan to save the environment and not burn so much fuel, and I think fuel was at a premium then, like heading for 50 cents a gallon. These four day work weeks were still forty hours, though, four 10 hour days.

I didn't really realize until I began writing this how far we've come from G-d's Instruction for work. No wonder Sabbath's been forgotten. Now, we've even moved into the place where some professions work 3 twelve hour days that rotate days on/days off. I believe that is primarily in health care, so the excuse to work Sabbath is "iron-clad" in our society.

As we've moved farther and farther from G-d's plan of work and rest, we find our work hours to be insufficient to support the rest of what we value. The job creation theatrics in Washington are just that, theatrics, and the bottom line is, the more dependent people became upon the way the system began to work, the less the system worked and now the majority are asking the system to provide work.

Although I am not an advocate of greed, big business didn't single handedly kill the economy. The destruction of our economy was a symbiotic relationship of big business wanting more money with less capital outlay and the workers wanting more money with less time at the job.

YHWH's plan of a work week is quite different than our society has designed. The pay scale is different, the benefits are different, but the day of rest is always consistent. His economy doesn't deteriorate and the job itself carries no stress, so there is less need for leisure time and no need for a vacation.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Just What is Time Worth ?

Ministry demands the answer to this question. Scripture tells us to give freely what we have been freely given. So how is it that we "expect" monetary gain for sharing what we've been given freely?

Every so often, through the years of ministry, I've been advised to collect donations. I've actually received advice regarding a donation button for my site. That may or may not increase my checking account, but it would certainly eliminate nearly half my articles and blogs, not to mention obliterate a key part of this ministry of nearly 20 years, in which I've never solicited or asked for a single donation. I literally, ran a ministry and fed neighborhood children through the era of the "prosperity teaching," without even taking up an offering. That's not to say, donations and offerings weren't given, because they were, and still are; but I never asked people. YHWH knew what I needed and He would just lead folks to give, and they did. David mentioned in the 37th Psalm that he had never seen the descendants of the righteous begging . . . I am a child of the King, so it would make absolutely no sense for me to start begging now. So, with that, I thought, the only place a donation button would be appropriate is to "REPLACE" the Kingdom Economy link.

I've been told and of course we've all heard that a minister's time is worth something. It absolutely is, and I know the passages about not muzzling the ox while he's treading grain, and pressed down and shaken . . . There were specific Torah commands regarding the provision for the Levites, but I can't imagine working anywhere and expecting my fellow workers to all pitch in for my paycheck. YHWH does provide for His servants.

We, as a society, have gotten so far from what time really is and what anything is actually worth. If my time is spent for my Father's business, it can't be measured in dollars and cents. If my time isn't spent for Him, then all the dollars and cents won't make any difference. Whether we serve YHWH or do not serve Him, we're leaving this world without a dime in our pocket! Actually, we'll be leaving this world without pockets . . . We cannot take anything with us. All we can do is leave something in this world. We can leave it for the better or the worse, but it's not about setting a dollar value on our time, but rather "spending our time" in a way that has everlasting value.

I am blessed with wonderful well water, I don't have to drive to work, everything on my table is organic, and I am privileged to publish Y'hshuwah around the world. I don't even want to imagine the downgrade in my lifestyle if I started equating time and money.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Wise Counsel

Scripture tells us before starting something, we should count the cost. Proverbs tells us there is wisdom seeking counsel. Obviously both of those statements are true. I know, even with a call on my life, I still sought spiritual counsel in regard to the initial steps of fulfilling that call. I got some wise counsel and some not so wise advice, but fortunately when the call comes from On High, HE offers the insight to separate the wisdom from folly. When it comes to secular business, I had a bit more trouble, because it wasn't spiritual, as much as it was emotional. Oh, I prayed before starting the business, and felt very assured to proceed, but I allowed myself to get talked into so much more. That isn't to blame the "advisors" as much as it is to own up to my own mistake in taking advice from the unqualified.

First and foremost, there were bivocational servants of YHWH in Scripture. Abraham is referred to as a prophet, yet he was also a nomadic shepherd. Paul, an apostle, also made tents or tallits, but coverings of some sort. Being in ministry in Bible times isn't like being a Rabbi or Pastor today. In Bible times, only the High Priests were considered in full time ministry, with provision by the "congregants."

Today, I would venture to suggest that the true servants of YHWH are bi-vocational. I was hesitant to start my business for two reasons. I already have a great deal of responsibility, homesteading and writing. The ministry to which I'm called is very similar to that of Paul's. Most of it is in writing, via books and internet, with some speaking engagements. The topic is clear. If you're going to follow Messiah then you have to live as He lived. It's non-negotiable. The Great Commission isn't about knocking on doors inciting debate, selling books, or getting someone to recite the "sinner's prayer." The Great Commission is about going and proclaiming redemption upon repentance, and teaching the lifestyle He lived to those who do repent and are seeking the Living G-d.

So, back to wise counsel. Don't ask the advice of anyone who is insatiable. Don't ask the advice of anyone who doesn't have to work for a living. Don't ask any entrepreneurial advice of someone who doesn't get up early or stay up late working on ideas. I'm not saying they have to burn the candle at both ends, but successful business people have a reason to get up and do not waste the day. My personal perspective is there is a big difference between a visionary and someone who is just never satisfied.

Good advice will confirm and encourage while gently critiquing what is already in your heart and on your mind. Good advice will not say, "Now, here's what you need to do." Good advice asks questions and encourages your vision while imparting a few practicalities. Now is a great time to consider applying the talents G-d created in each of us to work with our hands and accomplish the living and lifestyle He purposed for us.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Change Doesn't Mean Stop

The winds of change are coming in my life and as a believer and citizen of the kingdom of YHWH, the winds of change are nothing to take lightly. I am talking the leading of the Great Spirit of YHWH. In Hebrew, wind, spirit, and breath; are sometimes used interchangeably. Now that I'm writing this, if every time we are expecting the "winds of change," we'd truly stop and seek our King, we may miss fewer opportunities and certainly would waste much less time.

I've been thinking a lot since my birthday, realizing a big change was coming, I am the same age my Daddy was when he retired. He retired at 55 with a stellar career and is still called back for emergencies in an advisory capacity. Even though he retired young, he's still nowhere close to a rocking chair. Now past 70, men half his age would be hard pressed to keep up with him. He made wise investments and bought land along the way. I really think although he had a wonderful career with good earnings, he also saw 55 as the beginning of a new career, at least a different set of goals, with goals still be essential in his life.

We used to read and hear about so many men that died right after they retired. It's as if their life stopped at retirement. I don't plan to retire at all, but then I didn't begin serving YHWH til my mid 30's, and homesteading in my mid 40's, a business in my mid 50's and now this new expanded opportunity coming . . . it makes sense with such a late start, standard retirement isn't even an option . . . My entire adult life has been spent working hard, but I wasn't working for the Kingdom of YHWH until nearly 20 years ago. Serving HIM is such a privileged blessing, it doesn't seem like work at all. To even think about retiring would be quitting life.

There is, created in each of us, the need to be vital and productive for life. I realize some folks can live many years without contributing much, but for the most part, I believe we were created to live, produce, and contribute our entire life. We need a purpose and plan, beyond a paycheck. A paycheck isn't a reason to live, it's only a means to pay for the living we do and the lifestyle we choose. As I begin to listen and take the necessary steps toward this next project, I'm also keeping track of my living expenses. I've always been amazed at how full my life is, with so little funding required.

So at 55, I'm looking "cautiously" toward where I'm headed. You may think that sounds like a lack of faith. I'm not worried about YHWH's plan. I know it's perfect. The caution is on my part to not jump ahead and not chase any rabbit trails. I'm not in my 20's anymore! I know Daddy has made good use of his time and his energy since he "retired" at 55. Having had a good example of an excellent work ethic, I'm excited to apply that heritage knowledge to the Divine Plan that is laying out before me.

Considering the fact that Moses was beginning his life's work at 80, I'm still just a kid at 55!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Income Vs. Outgo

Kingdom wealth is really not about the income, it's about not wasting what we do have. So many people think if they just made more money all their money troubles would be over, but Scripturally that notion doesn't hold water. Scripture tells us if we are faithful in the little things, we will be given much. G-d is not going to give us more of what we already cannot handle.

To usher in the wealth of the kingdom in your life, I'm not going to deceive you with that old prosperity teaching of the nineties. Clearly it was flawed and has failed. I'm not so sure that teaching wasn't a catalyst to the economic calamity suffered in this country. We all know preachers were talking more about money than politicians and bankers were talking about G-d. Yet I digress . . . The wealth of the kingdom or lack thereof lies in three areas of each of our lives, because we already know YHWH has promised to provide.

The three areas of our lives that need adjusting from this world economy to kingdom economy is, desires, priorities, and talents management or skills. As to desires, we are told in Psalms if we delight in YHWH, HE will give us the desires of our heart. I've heard more than one person say, I delighted in Him and He didn't give me what I wanted. The answer to that is simple. You didn't' delight honestly or long enough. When we truly delight in YHWH, we find our desire to be Him, and when our desire is Him, the other things simply no longer have priority. I am not talking about being so heavenly minded, we're no earthly good. He knows we have responsibilities and He's promised to meet our need, the key word here was desire. Are we desiring something that is glorifying to Him and edifying to the body? I've been amazed at the desires He's reminded me of and the changes He's made in my heart to more fully understand those desires. Once we seek Him, truly desire Him, our desires align with the plan and purpose for which we were created.

Delight thyself also in YHWH; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Psalm 37:4

And that changes our priorities . . .

Once our priorities change, our time and money management begin to change. Once we see what we truly desire, rather than behaving like children in a toy store looking at the kid on the next aisle, we realize change is needed. We already knew we wanted things to be different, but now with His glory as our desire, we become willing to re-prioritize. The next thing we know, we start looking at other kids on other aisles that seem more content, that aren't throwing the "I want" fits. We get a glimpse of the bigger picture and the next step on the path to the destination we truly desire. Once we get a glimpse of the desire of YHWH and His will for our life, our priorities move from temporal to lasting, from momentary to the next generation, from hay and stubble to refined precious metals. The next thing we know, we are ready to roll up our sleeves and get moving toward making it happen.

And to know the love of Messiah, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of G-d. 20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:19,20

Which involves our talents and or skills. The parable of the talents tells us, even when it's wasted and hidden, everyone is given at least one. Perhaps you don't think your talent will sustain you financially. Maybe it won't. YHWH isn't dependent upon you. You will find though that once you want to use that talent to bring Him glory, other things in life will either fall away or fall into place around His glory and the use of your talent to that end. As a writer and a homesteader, I can tell you, I'm not making money hand over fist, at all! I am however, not spending money at the grocery store, on cable bills, or entertainment, or vices, or boredom. My life is full, I'll be busy til long after dark tonight and tomorrow YHWH willing, I have big garden plans and more writing to accomplish.

But my G-d shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Messiah Y'hshuwah. Philippians 4:19

If I were to help someone start a budget in life, my best advice would simply be, stop spending what you don't need. I could go into a number of details about what I don't buy, but we each have to determine that in our own heart before YHWH. I will tell you, I have done the math on this. I started a business in October of 2011, as a cash operation on very little. It's not a Fortune 500 Company, but it made enough that I'm showing a profit for 2012. It's succeeding because YHWH told me to start it, and because it's something I enjoy doing.

As I said, my income is certainly not large, but in growing my own food, making my own soap, and working from home, I am content in my life to the point I don't need extra entertainment. YHWH has promised to provide our need. It is up to us to be content in His provision.

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. I Timothy 6:6-8

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spending our Kingdom Currency Wisely!

The more I seek to live in the Kingdom Economy, the more I realize hours truly are the currency, and moments are the change. Not only do moments add up or not go as far as we'd like, but change in our life is truly determined by the moment.

It is so easy to plan a day. We can plan our accomplishments, we can even pencil in our dreads. We can plan our righteous reactions if presented again, with yesterday's failures. Some of us make a note of obligations and promises, if we are afraid the day might get busy. Others center their day around their obligations and promises. Yet, one thing is truly consistent in all of this. Plans are essential to accomplishment and purpose is essential for motivation, but life happens moment by moment.

A dear friend commented to me that she could see in my last video that my eyes truly showed I had experienced a tough week. She was so right! My eyes are very expressive . . . Furthermore her statement, although she did everything in her power and verbal conveyance to assure me I still looked fine and she was expressing concern not criticism; confirmed the information in this very article.

I have discovered the truth of emotional exhaustion, which in kingdom terms, is time poorly spent. One absolutely cannot make up for or take up the slack for another person's lack of emotional interest. Neither can one take responsibility for things outside of their control. One can try. An individual can attempt to provide enough enthusiasm and energy to solicit the interest of others, and one can certainly take blame for things outside of their control, but it results in emotional exhaustion. If time were money, emotional exhaustion would be a result of "throwing good money after bad . . ."

Now since I've shared the truth about spending time poorly, please let me share what else I've discovered! When we become emotionally exhausted, we begin a new way to spend time. We begin to spend time thinking about what's wrong and what feels so bad and the next thing we know, if we're not careful, we're spending even more time thinking about it. So, we take a bad situation or another's reaction, add time and energy with no results, then spend time pondering and contemplating what went wrong, and what we would do differently. Then we find ourselves in a rut, so the best human idea for getting out of the rut is talking to another human, which of course takes more time. For some reason we have this idea if we share the time poorly spent, it will somehow give it value. Before we know it, a problem that is completely out of our control has not only controlled our emotions, but it's controlled our time! And that of someone else, as well. That is not to say, if there is a situation that needs some clarification or you'd like prayer or to be pulled out of the rut, great. But more often than not, when we get to the rut of exhaustion, and start talking, we just pull someone else down with us.

I've realized there are simply things I can do nothing about in this world and the great news is, my G-d doesn't expect me to! In that freedom from responsibility, though, He also doesn't expect me to spend more time on things I can do nothing about. If G-d has placed something within our power to do, He gives us the energy and the time to accomplish it. If we spend our time on something that isn't within our power to do, not only do we spend that time unwisely, exhaust ourselves, but we miss another opportunity that would have been "time well spent."When my dear friend told me, she knew I was under a lot of pressure, but I could call her any time, I realized right then, I so value the time we do get to chat, I certainly didn't want to spend that time on a subject I find displeasing.

Maybe it's age, maybe it's wisdom, maybe it's both, but I know energy spent on useless endeavors is time I'll never get back, and energy wasted. That fact didn't register in my twenties. Spending time thinking about the disappointment of that fact is again, time I'll never get back. Talking about the discouragement is not only time I won't get back, but time I've taken from someone else that they won't get back either. Time and energy are at a premium these days for all of us, and once we get a glimpse of time as the gift of life YHWH has given, it has a value we simply cannot take lightly and don't want to waste. Throwing good effort and energy on something outside of our control is a lot like buying a new battery for a car with a bad engine. It doesn't fix the problem and will actually run down the new energy and still never move.