Sunday, January 5, 2014


I live half way between Springfield, MO and Tulsa Oklahoma, right in the heart of the "Word of Faith" movement.  I've driven by foreclosed homes, and foreclosed church "campuses" that "named it and claimed it" then borrowed for it!  As the downtown church buildings become part of the ghost towns that are now what is known as the history of progress and expansion, and the over sized and over priced tin buildings become passe, it's obvious, the word of faith movement missed something, unless you were on the receiving end of the "offering call!"

This is not to pick on that group of folk exclusively, as seeing major manifestation of the Great Spirit of our Creator is not frequently observed or experienced en mass.  Seems so many got caught up in the "name it and claim it," "blab it and grab it," that we lost sight of what was actually being said in the Word.  I remember several years ago as I was searching, hearing the acclaimed Bible teachers proclaiming the power of words.  There is power in words.  There is power in the spoken word . . . but that's where the truth got lost.

The power is not in our faith, it is in our Creator.  Word of faith is not the same as the Word of YHWH.   The Word of Faith movement may have produced hope in humanity and promise of prosperity, but The Word of YHWH is Y'hshuwah.  He produces results!  He brought redemption.  The Word of YHWH is salvation, deliverance, healing, provision, redemption, and true hope.

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