Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Earthly Economy

For those of us believing the Bible, we know the earthly economy is prophesied to ultimately exclude the remnant.  The way things are looking, we probably should be working our way out of dependency and debt as quickly as possible, now.  That's not to say our independence will happen overnight, but it won't happen at all if we don't start heading that direction.  I personally would love to have the money to get a number of people all set up and out of debt, but money really isn't the answer.  A new perspective is the foundation and the mind of Messiah is the path.  We have to unlearn the programming that debt is the path to the American dream!  It's time to wake up, smell the coffee, and look around!  The dream has turned into a nightmare.

If I had it all to do over again, I'd of course, done a great many things differently.  All glory to our Heavenly Father that He allowed me to get hold of this.  It's still possible to live within one's means and remain debt free.  I used to be real big on "homeownership," and I do own land and a home, but at this point in our existence, the only true advantage of home ownership is the rent can't go up.  However; the taxes can and city codes can create expenses and frustration!  I'm blessed to be in a very remote part of the county, and several miles from any city limits, but corporate government is gaining ground at every opportunity.

Now, as to my desire to help folks become less dependent, we have to get basic.  By now, there is enough information available, I would think most of our society would see the hazards of not preparing our own food.  In all the government paranoia and concern about invasion of privacy, I am absolutely offended when those same people insist upon putting my address into their GPS.  We have to stop pretending there will be special protection and provision from our Creator, when we've chosen to use other means all along.  Too many people think they will be ready to fend for themselves when it hits the fan, but they are still entirely dependent now.  Unfortunately, I think many religious folks are scoping out their plan of moving their dependency from the government simply to another dependency.

Entirely too many Americans remain in constant need of assistance while claiming it to be of G-d.  We've got to get away from that programmed thinking and it's not easy.  There have been years and years of it woven into the very fabric of our society.  According to the Word of G-d, rain in it's season, bountiful produce, full kneading bowls, and flocks and herds defined prosperity and were the results of obedience.  A good credit rating was never promised as prosperity.  A fat bank account wasn't mentioned in the list of blessings.  An all powerful government is actually not a blessing at all, and as we can see; is actually unfolding to be quite a curse.

Come out from her my people.  Think of one thing that is costing money and not really helping your spiritual or physical health and get it out of your life.  I assure you, you will live through it.  I got rid of my television years before I got a computer and my computer is still a desktop.  I am not continually connected.  Yes, the tax man knows my address and sadly, I now know I register on GPS, but I still maintain a certain autonomy in my dependency at this time.  Eliminating "earthly dependency" is the key to eliminating debt.  There are a lot of folks saying "G-d is all I need" but for most of us, those are just words.  We've got to start disconnecting before the dependency and connections lead to captivity.  

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